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<Your POV>

It's so fun to be with Jeongin, he always teases me, makes me happy, loves me truly, while Seungmin over there, can't even show enough love, maybe he is just jealous of me always being with Jeongin, I should go up to him. I told him

"Hi puppy, are you sad?"

"No" he said in a sad/annoyed tone.

"I guess I need to spend more time with you"

"No, you don't, just go be with Jeongin"

I pecked him on the lips and said

"ok that's what you want pup"

I patted his head and went back to Jeongin.

Wtf, he wants me to be with Jeongin more...? Why does he want that?

Fake&True//SeungIn x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now