prolouge and authors note

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first , a note from me: 

I wish to write this story similar to the works of Anne Cleeves and Alex Kava, so if you see any similarities thats why. Now gore and traumatic events will be spoken about, so no hard feelings if you wish to not read on :)

now on to the prolouge....


Hand on the steering wheel, PC Sean drove to his next crime scene. It was the scene of a murder, and one of the accused was found in bed , the corpse, naked and brutallised in his arms. Sean, whilst immune to gore and death from his time of service in iraq, could feel his stomach turn at the idea that someone would keep the corpse like a child keeps a teddy bear. His thoughts were abbruptley interrupted when he arrived at the scene.

He got to a run down bungalow in a deserted part of Cheltenham, all it contained was a bloody bedroom by the front door, a kitchen with a table and broken chairs and a small, dingy bathroom. As backup, he was already told what the scene looked like, but nothing could prepare him for the corpse.

A smiling face carved into porcelain skin, hair missing in clumps. Her nails were jagged from clawing at her attacker in a fight for her life. Arms striped with bruises and cuts, handprints all over the naked body and, turning her head to the side, a caved in skull, brainless and eyeless. Sean walked into the next room over, and found the accused in a corner of the kitchen, smiling despite the scratches that disturbed his face. Sean was the only one with a police van at that moment ; so without a second thought he handcuffed the man and lead him outside. 

Obidiently silent, the man sat as they drove to the station. The grey interior of the small vans back area was cramped and stuffgy. It wasnt that bad however, and the man seemed to rejoice in the small space. He was so enerjetic he began fidgeting in his cuffs. He fidgeted so concentratedly he didn't notice they had stopped for fuel. PC Sean pad-locked the rear doors and pumped copious amounts of fuel into the van , hurrying to the crowded payment building.

Five minutes  after waiting in an infuriatingly long gas station line, he returned to find the van doors open, and the body of the man bleeding, limp and dead sat in the corner, slumped and smirking sadistically.

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