Defending A Father-Figure

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Peter Benjamin Parker was many things. He was a part-spider mutant. He was a vigilante going by the name of Spider-Man. He was Tony Starks protégé. He was a freshman in high school. He was stronger than the Hulk and Captain America combined (a theory which was proven correct with the help of one, amazing, rich mentor). He was capable of getting shot, then waking up the next day without so much as a scratch.

But something Peter Benjamin Parker definitely wasnt was a bystander.

The Uncle Ben incident broke him in more than a mental sense. Peter still had nightmares about the incident, and due to Peters hyperthymesia, otherwise known as highly superior autobiographical memory, he could remember the night in such extreme detail it hurt. Some days, Peter could close his eyes and clearly see the mans pale face as the life drained from his sky blue irises. He could see the rough pavement that Uncle Ben had laid on, as well as every imperfection in the concrete so perfectly it was as though Peter was still there.

Anyways, that whole ordeal had shown Peter just how much a simple bystander can impact a situation, especially a bad one, and its outcome. Peter is physically incapable of letting bad people do bad things without trying to stop it (unless it was happening to him (like Flashs bullying)). Also, ever since then, so much as the sight of chocolate milk made the teenage boy feel the urgent need to vomit. But that was irrelevant. Peters brain tended to do that; change the subject when the topic being currently discussed caused too much trauma to resurface.

Five months had passed since the so-called civil war, a battle between Iron Man and Captain America which resulted in not a single winning team. Everyone lost something that day. Tony lost his friends (and a few years of his life after Rogers actions in Siberia), Vision lost his lover, TChalla lost alliance with most of the Avengers, Clint, Natasha, Bucky, Scott, Steve and Sam lost their freedom, and Rhodey lost his legs. What did Peter lose, you ask? Peter lost his respect for Americas idol as well as all the idiotic superheroes that sided with the super-soldier.

Peter practically lost his childhood (despite how most of it was focused on Tony Stark and the billionaires successes).

So when Caps entire team was invited to the new, Avengers Compound in order to discuss the accords and get them pardoned, Peter freaked. Tony Stark, TChalla, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanova, Clint Barton, Bucky, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Rhodey and himself, Peter Parker, all stuffed into one room to discuss the accords and make a plan on how to get the Rogues pardoned.

Peter didnt want to.

He wanted to attend, of course, but he didnt want them to be freed of all the punishments their stunt in Germany caused. They didnt deserve it, especially Steve. Bucky, possibly, everyone else too, but not Captain America. He was the one that broke Tony the most.

Mentally, physically and emotionally.

Rogers had shattered Stark as though the billionaire were made of glass and the super-soldier was a hammer. Tony had handled the situation carefully, warning Steve of almost every action the mechanic took and even going easy on the shield-wielding maniac. But Steve didnt care. It was always about Bucky. Fucking Steve Rogers was an asshole, and Peter was sure as hell going to make sure the enhanced hero knew that too.

This Saturday, during the meeting.

Only Tony and Rhodey knew that Peter was Spider-Man (in relation to those attending the secret meeting), and it was meant to remain that way. Peter would pose as Mr Starks personal intern, there mainly in order to represent Pepper who was unable to attend due to Stark Industries business. Peter, personally, didnt mind the cover story and was fully prepared to back it up by acting as professional as possible. The teenage boy swore to only intervene if Steve went too far (which the soldier was sure to do).

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