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Been waiting to that for months.

Tony watched in bewilderment and pure pride as the door – the door that shouldnt even exist – shut before sliding perfectly back into place. If Stark hadnt just watched Peter walk through a door that not even he – the one who created the blueprints for this building and paid to have it built – was aware of, the billionaire would never have known there was anything there besides brick and concrete, painted a ghostly white of Tonys own choosing.

Stunned into silence along with the rest of the group, Tony realised how pale his face must seem in comparison to everyone elses irritated skin. Tony presumed this was of Peters causing from when the boy had carelessly ripped off the webs hed stuck there, but with Tony and Rhodey Peter did so much gentler so that all the billionaire and his friend felt was a slight pinch. Eventually, a certain archer shattered the uncomfortable silence.

The fuck!

The room erupted with conversations. Tony guessed that Katniss over there meant to say something more, like how insane it was that a kid was not only Spider-Man but also able to beat him so easily (Tony knew Clint; the archer was probably thinking it the entire time Peter threatened Steve). Unfortunately, the first few words that left Clints lips were like a trigger for everyone else. A trigger that caused them to all start gossiping between themselves like a group of teenage school-girls discussing the new guy on the football team.

Thankfully, no one really paid much attention to Tony. He personally didnt think he could handle having a billion questions thrown at him all at once considering the fact that he was still processing what his kid – the kid – just said. Just did. Stark assumed everyone else was trying to wrap their head around it too and were probably too busy trying to accomplish that to focus on him. Currently, the billionaire was conflicted with emotions of pride, fear, concern and joy. And he didnt know which one he should feel because they were all so contradicting but so relevant and the mechanic was starting to feel confused too because – ugh!

Why does everyone have to be so fucking loud?

Bucky was asking Steve if he was okay, and Steve forced out a reply through gritted teeth and a broken jaw he definitely deserved. Wanda as trying to get Vision to wake up to no avail, by shouting from where she was opposite him stuck to the wall. Natasha was demanding silence and Tony could tell the noise was giving her a headache as the mechanic could relate. TChalla said nothing, seemingly trying to wrap his head around the fact that Peter knew his sister, Shuri. Tony was personally curious about how that came to be and was sure to question the boy after all of this was over.

Clint was swearing under his breathe about the webs that kept him trapped in an apparently uncomfortable position and how embarrassing it was that a kid over-powered him. Sam was shouting at anyone who made the mistake of listening about how that kid cant have been the one to web him up in Berlin, and that he demanded Steve explain whats going on. Scott was trying to grow himself back to normal size, as when Peter had stuck Antman to the wall, he had done so before Lang had the chance to press the button on his belt that controlled his size.

Scott was a tiny spot on the wall and practically drowning in the web keeping him there while trying uselessly to change that. Antman happened to also be voicing his annoyance through a built-in speaker and rather infuriating grunts and other noises, as well as an inappropriate use of language that Steve would have frowned upon, had the super-soldier not been occupied with Buckys constant questioning.

And Rhodey Rhodey was the worst. He just stared at Tony with this sad almost pitying look that Stark hated. The billionaire knew that his friend wanted answers and to comfort Tony, but Rhodey couldnt move and didnt ask a single question verbally. Just stared. Tried to use his eyes to communicate his support and love and Tony hated that it was working.

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