Boyfriend or friend

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CHRIS POV. I like Y/N she's nice and sweet really good daughter but what worries me is that she keeps looking at her phone like she's waiting for someone to text or call her *RING* "I'll be right back gotta answer this" she left to her room and I followed her "yea I got adopted by a band so how are you doing it's been a while since I have seen you" "where?... at the park sure" "sounds good bye" " Chris I know you're there you can come out now" " sorry it's just your now my daughter you can call me dad go ahead I didn't know what to do I'm sorry" "it's ok... hey can I go to a park I haven't seen my friends in a while" "yeah sure" (1 hour later) "dad I want you to meet Gerard Frank Ashley Andy and jinxx (ashley is a girl not ashley purdy XD) ANDYS POV. y/n changed a lot she's really beautiful I like her no I LOVE HER but gerard here also likes her " Hi it's nice to meet you motionless" "pleasure of meeting you to andy" I hugged y/n as the gang and I walked to the park "so y/n how's it been "pretty good and you andy" "good oh yeah ash here wouldn't stop asking for you while you were gone" "aww that's why your my friend" I saw gerard staring at her as she hugged ash////GERARDS POV. she's so beautiful after the guys left I was left alone with y/n "so y/n ever since we became friends I really liked you and I want to kn-" "Y/N ME AND YOUR MOM ARE MAKING SUSHI IS OT ALRIGHT WITH YOU" YEAH IT IS DAD" I didn't know what to do so when we were left alone again I kissed her////Y/N POV. WHAT THE HELL NO WHY I REALLY LIKE ANDY I ONLY LIKE GERARD AS A BROTHER NOT BOYFRIEND "GERARD I don't like you I'm sorry I like someone else with that I left him alone in the snow

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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