First moments.... Yuki's POV

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//I don't own Vampire Knight or the picture above\\

The sun scorched outside the mansion that Zero and I share.

Only months have passed since Kanames sad departure. Only months, but it feels like those few months stretched to years and he can no longer protect me from the worlds dangers.

I lie here, in my restless state, Zero has departed for weeks on a hunt, I'm sure he only does it for fun now. He harbours so much hate for what he is, even if he loves me, he can not love what I am.

Even though I feel the same, it still hurts to know that. What I would do for my naive innocence now.

I've had to catch up on my schooling, running around for those years didn't leave me a planned out life, but the pure bloods have all been schooled and so will I.

I feel changed, and for some reason, changed helps me understand math and succeed easily in the subject. I stare down at one part of my completed homework, but if only they wouldn't give me more as I am a vampire.

A new Acadamy emerged, not out of the decay that was my foster fathers school. But overlooking the scene, like my former school is a message.

This school is for the mortal, as well as us immortal, but we share our classes, so suspicions like before don't start. Not that half-bloods don't bite a few students, but for some reason we haven't been found.

We form a group, just like the Night Class did, but we are not Aristocrats and Purebloods, we are just vampires, not that there isn't still some sort of rank in our minds.

All my former friends have already graduated, obviously, but I see them at balls, and sometimes in the markets when we shop. But I feel unfulfilled, and it's been a hole I couldn't fill with clothing and accessories, so I haven't been out for a while.

I give up, rolling onto my back again, I can finish the rest some other time.

I stare at the ticking clock, my home is what I shared with Kaname, but now I share it with another I love. It ticks against it's wooden frames, now that I listen to it, the ticks come slower than when I was human.

Everything is so weird as a vampire.

The sun that, warmed my skin and heightened my senses, scorches me and wills me to stay away.

The hair that never grew, grows to lengths unimaginable by humans in mere months.

The happiness I felt, the contentedness, is something the immortal do not feel, not with the mere things that used to bring me joy. It comes with other things, things that are taboo in any world.

I stand up and slip on some slippers to keep my feet off of the floor, a small waltzing motion courses through my body as I take steps toward the window, and pull the long robes aside, revealing the midday sun, I stare at it for a moment, before I cower behind the curtains. I miss the feeling of warmth.

I feel something bubble inside me, hate, hate that Zero left me, and went out to hunt.

Much like when a husband leaves his spouse at home to go drink and flirt.

But Zero and I arent married, what right do I have to feel these emotions?

I close the curtains, my hands sting from the heat.

I should be asleep, tonight maybe he will be back, to ease the beast, the thirst.

I walk down the marble halls, the pillars, the human dream, the vampire normalities.

I need to feed the thirst, even a little, just for now, before he returns, if he returns at all.

I walk to the kitchen where I take out a jug of cool water. I take a sip, something's don't change. Like the taste of water. I pull out the container, it looks like a regular jar for sugar or coffee, but it has tablets. Not any tablets, blood tablets.

A little Older- (Vampire Knight fanfic) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now