Zero's POV

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She was changing, when I last saw her.

Was she regressing? Did his death really do this to her?

It was like she was someone else now, maybe she was.

I didn't go out with that chick, did I?

The last I saw her, she wasn't even looking after herself, just moping around his tomb, as soon as I got back, I could sense her, there, just when I had the courage to come back.

She knocked it out of me, effortlessly.

My slow footsteps resounded though the woods, I must've been here for hours, just pacing around in this dense mass of trees, a cheap hoodie replaced the coat I left behind, just for her to know I was back.

The hunt took...longer than expected, but we tracked down and demolished the e class clan that had developed, and then I took a break.

It had only been two weeks, the break, and I came back ten fold, feeling great.

A disturbance filled the air, a scent..

One that I wouldn't have thought I'd smell at this time, so close to dawn.

It made me panic, what if she got burn? Or a level E came into contact? What if she was already burnt?

I walked around the small clearing looking for the exit, these damn tree's where'd I walk in through.

When I'd finally lost patience and teleported a small way away I smelt it again, closer.

I followed the sweet scent she emitted, even as a vampire.

It stopped abruptly before it started up again.

She teleported

She's gotten much better now, I thought it would be years, must be the Kuran in her.

I found myself outside a couple of blocks of apartments, these hadn't been there, before in our high school.

She'd disappeared into one, I wasn't about to follow her into a closed building, she'd find out I was there, this distance was enough.

I found some shade, a bit far off, but close enough and laid to rest. I'd been up all the night and a large portion of the day before, to get back here.

I'd missed her.

But I came back and she was there with him, she still hadn't gotten over him.

My thought meandered down the concentrated circuit before I noticed her scent leaving one building and then vanishing completely, what now?,

Now she could long distance teleport too.

I started to walk back towards the building seeming logical that I could trace the teleport better, from where she had teleported from.

As I made my way to the open a window opened and a golden head popped out.

"Zero Kiriyu, your one dead man," I turned my head completely to see none other than Yuuri standing on a small balcony of one of the buildings, feeling the cost was clear I teleported so I was leaning against the wall right beside her.

"Why is that?" I said cocky, it was always fun to scare them.

"Nice try. How could you leave Yuki for an entire three months! You monster! She's crushed and being Yuki she's second guessing herself and thinks she's just being demanding, and with her now over powered sense of needing to understand herself she let a tear slide!" She yelled almost too loud for comfort at this time in the early morning.

"A tear Zero Kiriyu, and do you even understand how much she's changed?" She started again not leaving much time for processing.

"Yes I know Yuuri, she's moped around some dead guy for the last three months!" I said just as menacingly with less shouting.

"Zero, no you do not! You haven't been there with her, how would you know? Unless you talked to her, which I didn't hear her mention." She said bitingly.

" She's developed so much into another person, it's like she's a female you. You're doing to her, what was done to you."

" How cruel could you be," she finished, "or maybe how stupid, letting the same mistakes repeat" she said deepening her tone and walking back into her apartment closing the door with a huff.

Yuki's scent was stronger up here so I teleported on the spot, back to... Our home? She'd come back.

Of course she would the sun would come out and burn her alive and where else could she go.

She didn't have anyone left.

She didn't know how to handle it

Suddenly, Zero meant something else to me, Zero brain cells.

I opened the doors and they spread wide almost crashing into the walls they were hinged too.

The smashing sound resounded throughout the mansion. No doubt even he in his sleep could hear it. That left a smirk on my face.

I found my way around the house, if not befuddledly, I hadn't been away that long? Long enough to forget my way around my own home?

The second I got to our bedroom, was the first time I'd seen her, face to face, in three months.

Her hair was so much longer, though I could tell that before, her maturity had grown she wore simple but striking makeup, heck makeup alone was a giant leap.

She turned to me surprised at first but then stone masked her face, she wasn't happy.

Good observation skills but killing my courage.

I stepped forward but I could see her making plans up through her eyes which shifted around thinking as hard as possible, as fast as possible.

I was a mere foot from her, but she was still cooped up in herself, one thing doesn't change, no matter how smart she gets, Yuki will always be slow.

That's a Yuki trait.

A chuckle escaped me, which pulled her back into reality. Her first instinct was to panic.

Which she did.

Which I ended in pulling my larger, bulkier, arms around hers, around her. She relaxed but split secondly, she was still angry.

" You shouldn't have left, it was wrong," she said muffled by my neck, but still recognisable.

'I thought you didn't want me here, there was a hunting trip too, it took up majority of my time."

" Majority," she said skeptically," which means you still had more time to spend, on what? Other vampires," that hint of jealousy she always seemed to coupe up making presence.

" Yuki, you don't trust me, after what, sticking by your side for so many years," I said fangs glinting eyes reddening.

" Yes and a three month escapade, with who knows who, " she said breaking algihtly, a crack in her voice. " I was alone, in this mansion,"

I felt sorry, so... "I'm sorry, for leaving at the wrong time," I said so.

"You should be," she said cracking under pressure and her unwilling stature melted and she crumbled.

A little Older- (Vampire Knight fanfic) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now