"introduction "

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Everyone in Auradon, A few Vk's, and a few Vk's parents awoke in a room filled with chairs , snacks, and a large screen. Everyone started screaming and tried to use their abilities (Maleficent and Jafar) towards the opposite side, only to find they didn't have them anymore. Everyone continued shouting until they were interrupted by a loud screech coming from a redheaded boy who fell from the ceiling and faceplantedd into the floor, causing a few of the Villians and kids to snicker. To everyone's surprise,  the teen sat up -- very much alive and conscious-- and rubbed his head ,before glaring up at something near the ceiling. "WAS THAT REALLY NECESSARY?!!" The red head yelled . "No, but it was funny as Hell " everyone looked up in the direction of the voice to see a black haired boy around fourteen with freckles, pointy ears, and blueish green eyes and a girl around the same age with brown hair and brown eyes; The boy was wearing  a red dragon t-shirt,  a black leather jacket, red sneakers, and black pants. The black haired boy jumped down with a smug grin on his face and the girl followed soon after, trying not to laugh. "Fuck you " The red head said, unamused-- causing most of the adults from Auardon to gasp (minus Alddain, Kristoff, Eric, and Eugene/Flynn who tried not to laugh). "No thanks mate,  I got Jericho for that" The other boy replied, causing everyone to choke. "I really hate you right now, Seb" The red head said, as the girl pulled him up. "Aww, come on, don't be like that, Lu-Lu" Seb whined, causing Lu-Lu to tackle him "Don't call me that!"

This caused the girl to roll her eyes "guys , now is not the time!" The two boys ignored her and continued to fight. "Don't call you what, Lu-Lu?" Seb said, playing dumb. "Bitch,  I'm gonna beat your Fucking ass if you don't knock it the hell off!" Lu-Lu said, before Seb rolled over, Switching their positions and said "Bitch, I ain't got no ass!" The girl appeared to give up, walking off and the boys continued to fight for several minutes,  making the Auradon parents' ears bleed with all the swearing they did. The fighting didn't stop until the pair where hit with a heavy stream of water that was coming from a hose in the girl's hands. "WHAT THE FUCK HANNAH?!!!!" The two now-soaked boys yelled at the girl, who didn't seemed fazed in the slightest. Mal leaned over to Jay,  Carlos, and Evie from where she stood and said "she's nasty, I like her" not knowing that Uma had said the same to both Harry and Gil.  "You two were getting way off track and we need to explain to our audience what is going on and what the rules are" Hannah stated, before turning to everyone else in the room. "Hello, bitches and Hoes, my name is Hannah Holmes and these two  idiots to the side are Sebastian Peterson-Smith and Luke Parker.  I only brought them here because the rest of my friends refused to do this with me because they think this is an awful idea--"

She was rudely interrupted by Maleficent "You brought us here?!!! Release us this incident,  you wretched girl!!" Maleficent  was sent flying back into an uncomfortable wooden chair with wrist and ankle shackles onto it-- which subsequently locked around her wrists and ankles. "Shut the fuck up, I have absolutely no patience for a horrible piece of child abusing shit like you. You , Jafar, Cruella, Uresla, and The evil queen are only here so I can take my anger out on you for how horrible you are . Hook, your here because your son might need you, and since you are a decent parent and your vendetta toward Peter Pan was justified,  I am leaving  you unchained-- do not make me regret it. Gaston was also a terrible parent, but seeing as he gives me a headache and lowers the IQ of the whole state  , I didn't bring him here. And no, I am not chaining up any one from Auradon or the Vk's-- even though Chad and Audrey are spoiled brats and I really want too. I am, however, not gonna do that because I don't think their parents would appreciate that very much. " Hannah ranted, adding the last part after seeing King Adam open his mouth.

The rest of Vk's parents (minus Hook) were sent flying back into uncomfortable chairs.  Everyone else got to sit in comfortable chairs (though Chad and Audrey's chairs where not as comfortable) . The kids (minus Chad and Audrey, who sat with their families ) where all seated on the left side of the room, the Auradon adults sat in the middle, and the Villians sat in the right side of the room (minus Hook, who sat with Harry). Hannah then explained that they were watching a movie series of The kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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