She Waits - X

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Sonora leaned against the car's hood. She didn't want to cry, and she surely wasn't going to. That'd be the last thing she'd admit, that she cried, that she cared so much about someone who clearly isn't interested in being cared about. Why else would Teddy be so ignorant about this entire paranormal thing? They wanted to help, not harm. She looked into the sky as if it could give her any answers she couldn't give herself. White clouds wandered along the clear blue sky, pure contrast to Sonora's desire for rain and storm and general destruction.
Sonny sighed deeply. She knew Dallas or Dean or even Teddy could show up any second. Actually, she hoped that. She hoped that someone would get worried and ask 'Hey, what is Sonora doing outside, alone, with nobody by her side?'. Wishing for a thunderstorm, that's what she was doing. Hoping it would rain down on her so nobody could see the trails of tears running down her cheeks by that point. She hated that she cried. She felt like she had given up on something. On her pride? Probably. Theodora didn't deserve to make her cry and yet Sonny wept like there was no tomorrow. She closed her eyes and pretended things were better. That she was at home, their home, listening to their dad's bad jokes while their mom giggled in the kitchen, watching them prepare dinner. The reality that she'd never witness that ever again felt like an arrow to her heart. Like someone pierced right through and pulled with full force.
"Hey, uhm..." The car hood slightly moved under the new weight added. "I, uhm... I was a bitch."
"Yeah, you were." Sonny looked over. Teddy was equally as pained as Sonny was, if not more. "I'm sorry if talking about your-... him... is still touchy. I just get angry when people just write me off and don't care about what I have to say."
"Well, maybe you shouldn't talk about a dead guy like-"
"You're doing it again. Stop it." Sonny stuffed her hands into her pockets so she would quit fidgeting around. "Ever considered I know things you don't?"
"I know every aspect about everything."
Sonora furrowed her brows. "I feel like this is a reference to something." She shook her head. "Can't believe it..."
"What?" Teddy cocked her head to the side.
"I'm crying and you're cracking jokes."
Teddy shrugged and watched down the driveway. "What else was I supposed to do?"
"Apologize," Sonny said.
"I did that."
"You admitted to being a bitch."
"That's the closest thing to an apology you'll get from me, take it or leave it." She chuckled and looked over. "So, uhm... You still mad?"
For a moment, Sonora kept quiet. "A bit," she admitted. "Still a bitch."
"You say that like I'm gonna change," Teddy said.
"Which you won't, obviously."
The two silently stared down the driveway, neither of them saying or doing anything. Sonora felt like she should say something, though. Something, anything. It felt wrong to pretend that nothing had happened, yet that was exactly what was happening. Sonny bit her tongue. She knew she'd say something eventually, and she knew it'd be dumb. "I like your hair."
Teddy watched her. "Uh, thanks?"
"You're really pretty." Sonora felt the heat rise to her face. "And sometimes when I'm around you, I get very nervous."
"That's..." Dumb, awkward, weird, funny, embarrassing. "Cute."
An awkward smile crept up her face. "Cute? You think it's cute?"
"I think you're cute."
Sonny scoffed and turned her head the other way. "I'm not cute. Not at all."
"That's why I said 'I think'. I have an opinion." Teddy grinned. "Embarrassed?"
"Shut up!"
Teddy laughed. "Come on. You can at least look at me when you tell me to shut up."
Sonora hesitated, then turned to Theodora. "Shut up," she repeated.
"I don't think you want me to."
"I think I do."
"Doubt it." She grinned once again. "You'd have to force me if you really wanted that."
Sonora raised her eyebrow. "Is that an offer?"
"It's a challenge."
Sonora watched her and leaned in. Then, she screamed and jumped off the car when it honked. She turned around to yell at whoever decided to creep on them, but it was empty.
"What the actual..." Teddy walked to the door and looked inside. "Haunted or what?"
Sonora scoffed. "I'd say so." She tilted her head back.
"I, uhm..." Teddy chewed on her bottom lip. "We'll talk later, alright? Without haunted cars." She grinned for the last time and walked back into the house.
Sonny opened the car door. "Dude," she said. "Not cool."
Dean manifested in the backseat. "Still a dad, kid."
"You suck." She got into the passenger seat and crossed her arms. "I actually like her."
"I'm not doubting that," Dean said, leaning on the backrest. "But you're surely not doing anything in my presence."
"Ever considered not creeping, though?"
"Ever had to share a bedroom with your younger sibling for thirty years? I don't know privacy."
"Sounds like something that's not my problem."
"What's not your problem?" Dallas dropped in the driver's seat. "I got to call the angel."
Sonora nodded. "So?"
"He's not interested and said that if we come near him or his boyfriend he will 'stab us in the brain'."
Teddy, who had moved herself to the backseat, laughed. "He can stab me, I don't have a brain."
Dallas chuckled. "That's a problem, though. We can't get angelic grace without an angel."
Sonny nodded. "I'll call Chuck and see what he can do about it. Are we going to the nephilim then?"
"Serah," Dallas said. "But no, we're not. Teddy has some stuff to talk about with her dad." She started the car and drove off the lot. "You were a whiny bitch and you'll apologize. And then he'll apologize because he was a dickhead."
"Who are you?" Teddy asked. "My mom?"
Dallas scoffed. "No, but as someone who just lost their mother, trust me. You don't want things like that looming between you. Fix it before it's too late." She gazed in the mirror. Dean sat beside his daughter, watching her with a sorrow look. He looked in the mirror before disappearing.
Then, the radio started playing. Dallas knew neither of them turned it on.
Little girl,
Hold on and wait
It's not fair, but fairness is overrated
Wait, and you will be saved
The path, it walks in this way
And when Dallas looked in the mirror once again, Teddy cried.

Car Ride [SPN FanFic] | Winchester Legacy IITempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang