F R I S K Chapter 1

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Darkness thickened. Trees were swaying left to right, making a slight tune. Frisk was wandering around the thicket behind her house. 

If her mother or father found out she was out here, she would be grounded until her 18th birthday.

Rain trickled down the leaves of the trees, falling into Frisk's short, brown hair. 

The cold water streamed down the middle of her back. It gave her the shivers. 

Thunder startled her as she made her way through the thick setting of trees and mud. Her clothing was soaked, and had a scent of pine. She could see the drizzles of rain on her eyelashes, as they made their way down her cheeks. The temperature of the rain made her hands numb Frisk pushed long tree branches out of her face. 

Her $15 sneakers were tearing apart as they were being stabbed by multiple thorns. Her family wasn't the wealthiest in her countryside. 

6 hours later...

Frisk woke up in her bed, sweating bullets. She was confused how she got back into her room, scared her parents found her. She had to go to school, sadly. She thought school was a waste of time. 

"Wake up Frisk. You need to get to school." Frisk's mother yelled up the stairs. 

"I know, Mother!" Frisk rolled her eyes. Her mother and father always got on her nerves. Not just because they force her to go to school, the law forces her, but they force her to clean up after themselves. They'll make Frisk make their beds, do their laundry, turn on the television for them. It's a never-ending cycle.

When Frisk gets to school, she immediately rushes over to her boyfriend, Grayson. 

"Hey, cutie," Grayson greets her. "How are you today?"

"I'm decent. Thanks for asking.." Frisk answers. The same phrases day after day, like a never-ending cycle. She wished things would change a little.

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