☾ Different Universe? ☽

36 1 41

(You're originally from MS before getting transferred into MCD... sorry if it's confusing!)

You were Lucinda's test subject for the day (With your consent and of course, you had set some rules) and allowed her to try out potions and spells on you. It was going surprisingly well! It had only gone wrong one or two times where she turned you into the other gender and another time were she turned you into an animal. She turned you back after writing things down and laughing. After a certain spell.. you began to feel nauseous and the whole room began to spill. Before you could tell Lucinda, your eyes rolled towards the back of your head and you blacked out. You don't know how much time had passed before you woke up. Gaining your bearings, you realized you were in a forest and being carried by someone really familiar to you. Upon a closer look, you realized it was (MCD Crush)!

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