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                14k💗|65comments  Jessica💗Food; I'm back bitches💅

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                14k💗|65comments  Jessica💗Food; I'm back bitches💅.The Patton girls are now complete.

     @User1;You three are so gorgeous,how?.

@MelBenoist;You didn't go anywhere though😑

@Jessica💗Food;I mean am active again on Insta negative nancy@MelBenoist

@User2;Can we just appreciate how young looking and beautiful Danielle Patton Is.

@DanielleP;Thank you sweet heart@User2

@2CandyP;I had no selfie stick but I still took a bomb photo✨

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MelBenoist;Not us looking ugly and young our first year of college #Throw back Thursday

@B.A_Grant;That day was so light,I'd like to feel like that again.

@2cool4skulxcarl;I remember being shit scared of everyone,talk about antisocial had me good😅

@User1;Fuck ugly,you guys were cute.

@MelBenoist;Let's do it again shall we granty.@B.A_Grant

@ThatAmericanHartley;Ahhh the good days when you weren't an annoying witch.the good old days@MelBenoist
@User2;My life story😆 @2cool4skulxcarl

@MelBenoist;Glad those days are over because I love being a witch;)@ThatAmericanHartley

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Violettisbae;The only dude who will eat popcorn in a jar with me💛.

@Danny💜;I love you Violett,I really do but eating popcorn out of a jar with a crazy guy is were it gets too much.

    @User1;I do that too!!

@Violettisbae;Sorry not sorry☺

@CiaraReène;If only Carlos was single you two would have been cute together.

@JessyBlinks;Really bitch.     @CiaraReène

@CiaraReène;I'm just playing;).@JessyBlinks

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