Chapter One

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This may or may not be a romance! I haven't decided yet. Please take your time reading, and enjoy!

Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock.
You listened to the clicking of your cat clock that sat on your nightstand, patently awaiting your parent's return. Your life consisted of this... Yes, silence and the ticking of your cat clock. It was lonely and painful to be stuck in bed with nothing else to do, nowhere to go, and no one to converse with. It was hard to believe that you were once a lively girl, with hopes for her future and dreams for her head. And it's funny how fast dreams, hopes, and futures and be torn away from you so quickly and so soon. You could vividly remember your parent's faces before you were diagnosed with Glaucoma, ones of shock and sadness. Your (Eye color) orbs lacked the life and spirit as they once had coursing through them, they were only empty shells now. Ever since you'd lost all of your ability to see, you were put on bed rest. Your parents were both workaholics, typing away at computers in offices with mountains apon mountains of paper work on their desks. They didn't have time to care for their blind daughter, and to avoid the risk of injury or even death you could not explore the house or return to school. You lied in your bed all day, waiting for your parents to return from their work places so you could hear their voices instead of the quiet ticking of the clock. Your mother's gentile, soothing voice, or your father's deep, husky one; you didn't care which one you heard, you just wanted to have something else echo in your brain other than ticking. You moved under your covers, hoping that you could slip some sleep into your schedule, as to shorten the wait for your parents. You blinked and listened quietly to your cat clock continue it's course of ticking. You wished your parents had left you with something to play some music, something else anything else to fall asleep to other than the tiring ticking. After what seemed like eternity in the darkness with the hated sound, you slipped out of consciousness...

You woke to hear...whining?

Sitting up, you turned your head towards the sound, despite the fact that you couldn't see anything, you still wanted to find out what it was. "Mom? Dad?" You whispered, only for the reply to be a bark? A sudden weight at the edge of your bed caused you to jump and shake in fear. What was happening?

You held out your hand in a defensive position just in case if any thing were to attack you.

Please come home soon, mom and dad...

You felt something wet on your hand, the thing was licking it? You then reached out your hand slowly and cautiously to stroke the animal's head. A dog!

The dog barked and wagged it's tail happily as you just sat there in utter confusion. What was a dog doing here!? Just then, you heard the creaking of your bedroom door being opened.

"(Your name), You're awake, dear." The sound of your mother walking over to your bed was enough to make you cry. You thought she'd never come home! Your mother dropped a kiss onto your forehead and sat on your bed. Had she not seen the dog on your bed? "Mom?" "Hmm?" "Is this a dog?" You pointed to where you presume the dog was, and she stroked the dog. "Ah, not any dog. This is Monet, she is a service dog for blind people." You smiled. "You will be able to move around the house more often and even go to a school for people with conditions such as yours." You wrapped your mother into a hug and felt tears fall softly from your cheeks. It was hard to contain such excitement. A dog that could help you!

Monet barked yet again and laid her head on your stomach as you softly pet her head. "What dog breed is she?" "She's a German shepherd." Your mother clarified. "They are one of the best breeds for this type of thing. She's a gift from me and your father." "Thank you!" You exclaimed, feeling your eyes well up with tears again.

Thank you so much...

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