Chapter Two

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'The sole survivor of last week's colossal bullet train disaster, a boy named Atari woke from a deep coma early this morning to learn of his parents tragic death.'

You were in the living room, cuddling into Monet's fur as you listened to the old, usually static television play. It was a beautiful, chilly night with the stars at their brightest overhead. Your mother was making a dinner with sushi and wheat rice in the kitchen, the smell was exquisite, you could even detect it from the living room. Your mouth watered at the smell, and even Monet seemed to have to hold herself back from walking into the kitchen. Tonight was a peaceful night. The slightly closed window streamed the dim light from the moon into the room, filling it with the cozy pleasant light you wished you could see again. But you could hear the pattering of raindrops tapping on the glass, there was no lightning or thunderstorm, which was a huge relief for you. You hated thunderstorms. Pulling a blanket over you and Monet as the television continued to play, you cuddled into the warmth, not feeling so lonely or ignored anymore.

'And also the intention of his distant uncle, Mayor Kobayashi, to personally adopt him as ward to the mayoral council. Upon his release from Megasaki general, Atari, who suffered the loss of his right kidney and numerous broken bones in the crash, will live in Saquestra Quarters within the contlines of Brick Mansion where he will be educated in solitude by private tutors. Atari has also been assigned to security detail for his own protection in the form of a highly trained bodyguard dog named 'Spots Kobayashi. Now, moving on the the weather this evening.'

You drowned the rest of the news out as your thinking took over. Several broken bones and a missing kidney? God, that sounded painful. The thought of it made you curl up into Monet's fur, whom in response licked your face comfortingly. You gave a laugh and stroked her head, a smile playing on your lips. You wished the best for the poor boy, hoping he wouldn't feel as alone as you did. At least he was given a dog, dogs make everything so much better. Leaning your head on Monet's body, you closed your eyes, listening to the gentle tapping of the evening rain and low volume of the news reporter's voice, it was quite relaxing. Monet licked your face one more time before laying her head down too, she must have been pretty tired. Letting the waves of sound overlap your hearing gently, you felt kind of sleepy. A quiet yawn escaped your throat as you struggled to stay awake, you didn't want to miss dinner time. "(Your name)! Dinner is ready!" Oh, finally. The sound of your mother calling you to the able was the very thing to jolt you awake. "Coming!" You slipped off the couch, containing the cozy shelter of blankets and pillows onto the floor, Monet following you. You then gripped onto Monet's collar and she led you slowly to the table, not wanting to bump into anything. You took a seat as the quiet clink of bowls and plates asset onto the wood. The smell of fresh sushi, weat rice, and Miyabi Onion Soup made your stomach growl. A bowl was set on the ground for Monet and she hungrily chowed down, must've been as hungry as you were.

A smile spread across your lips and you felt the table shift as your mother sat down. Grabbing your chopsticks, you lifted the sushi up to your mouth and popped it in, feeling the delicious, warm, starchy flavor of the single sushi piece. But there was a feeling of something missing as the table. "Mom?" You asked, picking up another piece of sushi. "Where's dad?" "At work." You mother answered, taking a sip of her tea. "He had some business to finish, but he should be home soon." With a curt nod from you, silence again fell at the table. After you had finished chewing the last bit of your food and drinking the last bit of your soup, you were ready for bed. You got of from the table and again, gripped Monet's collar. She immediately stood, knowing this was the signal for your need to go somewhere. "I'm going to go to bed." You informed your mother, "Alright. Goodnight, (Your name)." She dropped a quick kiss on your forehead before returning to the table to clear and clean dishes. You smiled and Monet led you up to your bedroom. Slowly walking up the steps, you hummed a cheerful yet sleepy tune. Finally reaching the edge of your bed, you collapsed into the sheets, quickly adjusting yourself in a comfortable position and petting Monet. Your eyelids grew heavy as you drifted off to the famous dreamworld. "Thank you, Monet." You yawned as she jumped onto your bed to cuddle up to your frame. "Thanks for everything you ever do for me." The german shepherd barked and nuzzled into a pillow, her tail wagging slightly.

Sorry I haven't published this in a while! I was listening to japanese lofi while writing the chapter. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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