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"𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟
𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑦𝑒𝑠
𝑡𝑜 𝑎 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡."

a loud thump was heard in the empty classroom as the brunette teacher placed his heavy bag on the desk. it was jungkook's first day as a high school teacher and he wasn't really excited about it. of course, he was motivated to teach these kids - why would he be a teacher if he wouldn't? but this year, he got seniors. it was really hard to be a 24-years old male teacher if you had to teach seniors. a big part of them were already 18, which meant that in their minds it wouldn't be wrong to flirt with their teachers. flirting and teacher and student affairs was something jungkook had zero tolerance towards to. if a girl began to flirt with him in the class, she would get kicked out. he didn't do it because he was mean, he did it because it was illegal, inappropriate and well, they were teenagers.

the bells rang for the first time this fall, and jungkook was waiting for his class to come. he was teaching history, geography and biology and right now, he was going to teach history. being a teacher wasn't the most high paid job, but it didn't matter because jungkook had quite a lot of money anyhow. he wasn't super rich, but let's just say he was a bit higher than middle class.

the whole class was now in the classroom, looking as motivated as jungkook did. the young male stood up, clearing his throat before he looked all over the class; funny, he had been told that there were 22 students in this class, but he could only see 21. wonder who was late on their first day of school.

"good morning and welcome to your history III class, i'm mr. jeon, teaching history, biology and geography for all seniors this year. i hope we'll have a good time together. now let's see who do we got here." he said, smiling brightly at the whole class and trying to get their attention.

the teacher began to read the names, always looking around if the person was there. "lastly, we got park jimin." he said, but the class stayed quiet and anyone didn't flinch even an inch. that was until a loud knock landed on the classroom door, jungkook chuckled and walked to the door. "let's see what explanation we are getting from him." he laughed slightly, opening the door.

his eyes landed to a short boy who clearly looked lost, he was panting like he had just ran a marathon. his blonde hair was a bit messy, and he was holding his history books in his hands, against his chest. "i-i'm really sorry, sir. i got lost and, and-" he started to explain in panic, until jungkook cut him off.

"it's alright, just don't let this happen twice. now go take a seat, i'm mr. jeon." jungkook smiled kindly, letting the boy go take a seat. he was pretty cute, jungkook couldn't get mad at him.

"so, now that we have everyone here," jungkook said with a playful smirk as he landed his eyes on jimin who was blushing and clearly being shy. "this course will last half of this year, and we will be talking about World War I. in the spring, when the second course starts we will be handling World War II. i know this is something you all went through already in middle school, but in these courses we'll go more deep into these two specific wars."

after awhile, jungkook had handed small tests about world war I, to see what the students knew already. the class was silent and everyone was doing their work, while jungkook was on his desk going through his emails. he noticed a small arm that got raised, and as jungkook looked at it, he noticed it belongs to jimin. the brunette smiled and got up, walking to his desk. "what's wrong?" he asked, looking down at the boy who seemed pretty shy and sad.

"i don't know anything.." jimin mumbled, sighing as he was disappointed to his own work.

jungkook looked at the paper, noticing all the questions were empty and the sides were filled with small doodles. "i see.. what about, you stay here when the class ends and we will fill these together? of course you won't get a good grade out of it, but this test doesn't really matter." jungkook smiled, getting a strange feeling of wanting to help the boy.

"okay, mr. jeon." jimin nodded, getting lost in his teacher's eyes - he was really handsome, and young. he must have all the girls drooling over him, was what jimin thought until the bell rang and the classroom started to get empty.


okay this isn't probably as good as i hoped it will be, but here's the first chapter! the parts will be around this long or a bit shorter :)

beanseok 💘

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