The 1975

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"I changed my mind." The words that came off my mouth when Kenneth tries to wake me up in 4:00 a.m. I mean, 4:00!

"No. You'll be coming with me. End of story. Besides, I'll buy you an iPhone!" He exclaims, excited.

His irritating voice made my blood boil. Who needs iPhone these days? Ha. Not me. I prefer my beauty sleep, thank you very much.

"I don't need an iPhone." I murmur against my soft pillow.

"And, I'm seconds away from kicking your ass right now." I added.

"Argh! You are so frustrating. Fine. Be like that and never talk to me. Ever." He said sternly and by the sound of the slammed door, I figured he must have seen himself out.

Ah, finally sleep.


As a college student, I should be more responsible and believe me, I am. It's just my stupid cousin succeeded to make me completely forget about my 10 page essay that will due this exact day.

I didn't accompany Kenneth like he wanted me to but I spend my very precious time playing Call of Duty with him.

I look like hell, but that's the least of my worries.

I jog to my first class and quickly think of an excuse to my very nice Shop professor, NOT.

Racking my brain for something nice and reasonable excuse for my lack of consideration. (Really?)

If I told him I'm sick, would he buy it? Probably not, that man has a stoned heart.

How about a heart attack? Yes. That should settle this. A heart attack of one of my family members. I sigh, I'm going to hell anyways, better be a sinner while I still can.

"Tough morning, huh?" a voice beside me said.

I turn my head to find Sean Jacobsen, a very handsome and very smirking Engineering student.

Nodding, "Nothing I can't handle." I said smiling slightly.

"You know you can always ask me anything." He winks at me, smiling suggestively.

And that's the most agonizing fact, nobody's perfect, even this handsome pervert.

"No thanks. I prefer eating grenade than go running to you." I said slightly irritated. Most of the times, I enjoy throwing insults with him, but not today, no.

"Ouch. No need to be coy, sweetheart. I know you want me." He manages to say emphasizing the meh.

I open my mouth to answer him when the class goes silent, indicating that our professor has arrived.

"I want all your papers in front in 10 seconds. 1!" Mr. McDonald said first thing.

"2!" He counts and my classmates quickly grab their paper works and pass it to the front.

I took a deep breath. Gathering my barely-there courage, I stalked my way to Mr. McDonald plastering a miserable expression on my face.

"Excuse me, Mr." I called with a tiny voice.

"What do you need, Ms. Jenner?" Mr. McDonald bits out. I don't usually make an enemy of a teacher but Mr. McDonald hates everybody.

I dislike it when someone is pissed and hated me. It makes me uncomfortable and I just don't know why. I don't really care that much, but just the thought of someone plotting your murder or something don't reassure me at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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