twenty two

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    Eijirou returned home soon after breakfast. He was sure that he must've heard something that he was supposed to know nothing about. He just wanted to get home before his mother decides to murder him in his sleep for returning home so late. He was so caught up in getting home that he didn't even realize that his phone was vibrating in his pocket. Eijirou huffed in annoyance and grabbed his phone, looking down to see that Deku was calling him. He answered while continuing to walk home.

"Wassup?" He answered casually, hearing muffled sounds of shuffling on the other end of the call. "Ochako's outside my house right now. I don't know why she's here, but I can't get her to leave at all." Eijirou could hear the urgency in Deku's voice. He figured that it must've been Deku running to the back of his house. Delirious with worry, he asked something so stupid that the thought of it made him facepalm. "Do you know which pack she belongs to? Maybe you can send her there."

"She belongs to Katsuki's pack! We can't kick her out of the border because she'll just come right back in! Katsuki's pack is the only one close to ours. The other one is a thousand miles away!" At this point, Eijirou was starting to panic. "Well, you can either have a talk with her or lock her up, I guess?" Suddenly, he heard a very loud bang and thump. "Deku?" He didn't get an answer. "LET ME SEE MY FUCKING MATE!" He heard Ochako scream at the top of her lungs. "Izuku?!" He still didn't get an answer.

Eijirou felt bad, but he hung up. He ran back home as fast as he could just to let his mother know that he was fine. "Eijirou! You're in huge trouble—" Eijirou cut her off with his hand placed in front of her face. "Not now, Mom. I have to get to my friend. I think he's in trouble." He informed before running out the door, grabbing a bottle of water with him. He quickly dialed Denki's number.

Denki answered with an annoyed tone. "What do you want?" It seemed as if he just interrupted their date. "Ochako's screaming and banging on the door of Izuku's house right now. I think Izuku fell or something. He wasn't answering me when he called earlier. He was just.... cut off." Eijirou heard the sound of Denki standing up. "I'll be there soon." That was the last thing Denki said before the sound of clothes ripping and Kyoka's scream filled his ears.

Eijirou winced as he hung up, knowing exactly what Kyoka just witnessed. He didn't even want to imagine it. Instead, he focused on getting to Izuku as fast as he could. For the last few months, he didn't talk to Izuku very often, so he didn't know what was going on in his life. Eijirou knew that he got better, but he wasn't sure if it was the same for Izuku.

He arrived about half an hour later, sweaty and out of breath. Denki's wolf arrived soon after him with Kyoka on his back. She seemed to be having the time of her life despite the dire situation. The sight made Eijirou jealous, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind as the sound of Ochako's scream filled his ears again. They all turned to Ochako while Denki shifted. Eijirou watched as Kyoka stiffened when she saw Ochako.

"LET GO OF ME!" Her voice sounded scratchy and strained as she desperately tried to pry off the arms of the warriors of the pack. Eijirou greeted one of the warriors of the pack standing in front of Izuku's door while he pulled Kyoka inside with him. "But Denki's still outside!" Eijirou shrugged. "He'll catch up eventually."

Eijirou almost got lost in Izuku's mansion, but he eventually stumbled upon a familiar looking hallway. It looked as if that was where he stayed that night of the..... accident. He turned the other way and it looked as if that was where all the bedrooms were located. There was one with it's door open, but it didn't look like Izuku's room. He looked for the next room, which was way farther down the hall. After stumbling upon countless washrooms, closets and storage rooms, he finally made it to Izuku's room.

Denki had caught up along the way and aggressively slapped Eijirou's hand off of Kyoka's arm. Eijirou only flipped him off before continuing. They eventually stumbled upon a door that was slightly open. When Eijirou tried to push it, he noticed that it didn't work. Denki tried as well, but even his werewolf strength couldn't make it budge. They didn't have a choice but to destroy the door. It took a while, but Eijirou hoped that Izuku would understand.

When they finally managed to get in, they noticed that the door was being blocked with tables, chairs and even cupboards. It suddenly seemed extremely obvious why they couldn't get through. Eijirou saw Izuku's body on the ground, unconscious. His head was bleeding and he was extremely pale. Denki dragged him out and Eijirou went with Kyoka to call for help. Denki made sure that Izuku stayed alive before help arrived.

They got Izuku out and wrapped up his head with a bandage. The pack doctor determined that he was mostly fine. Now, they just had to somehow get rid of Ochako. Denki and Eijirou looked at each other nervously. They both knew that getting a crazy werewolf like Ochako to calm down and leave was.... well... nearly impossible. Kyoka seemed to get more and more nervous the more they got closer to Ochako.

Eijirou walked out with Denki, looking down at Ochako menacingly. Tears stained her cheeks and she looked as if she hadn't slept or eaten in days. Her clothes were filthy and her hair was clumped up and filled with dirt. "Being filthy fits you, Ochako." Denki hissed. Eijirou was shocked at how scary Denki could be. It was like turning a kitten into a tiger. Terrifying.

Kyoka hesitantly walked out of the house and instantly, Ochako flipped. "You! What the hell are you doing in my mate's house?! You took my best friends away from me, now you're taking my mate too?!" Denki glared at her while Kyoka looked down at the ground. "Watch your fucking mouth, you dog." If Eijirou had to be honest, it was hilariously ironic seeing Denki call Ochako a dog when he was also the same species as her. He would've burst out laughing, but it wasn't the right timing. Note: he was still naked.

Instead, he simply held back his laughter. Ochako simply spat at Denki in response, growling at him. "Who the fuck are you calling dog, you overgrown furry." Denki dodged the spit with disgust written all over his face. Eijirou looked at the warriors, who had amused smirks on their faces. One of them in the back were laughing their ass off. Eijirou had to clear his throat to avoid laughing along with them. Instead, he tried to direct the attention elsewhere.

"Why did you come here, Ochako?" He bent down to look at her directly in the eye. "To be more specific, what is your motive?"

The Wolf I Can't Reveal [A Kiribaku Werewolf & Soulmate AU]Where stories live. Discover now