LadyBug/Ruby and Blake

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-Volume 7 Chapter 2-

-This part contains no spoilers beyond Volume 3 Chapter 8-

-Ruby and Blake are teammates and transitioning towards being friends. This part takes place between the dorms chapter and the fall of Beacon, inside team RWBY's dorm.-

 Blake sat hunched over a paper with millions of scribbles covering the white material. Blake growls under her breath out of pure frustration. She crumbled up the sheet and threw it to the other side of the room.

 "What's this?" Blake's right cat ear turned towards the other bunk. Her neck snapped to face Ruby when she heard her unfolding the paper. "Wow! This is awesome!" Blake's face flushed. Out of both embarrassment and flattery.

 "Uhm, thanks, Ruby. Can I have it back?" She was wondering why Ruby had been sitting on Weiss' bed, but ignored that thought in order to stay on topic.

 "Yea, but uh.. why was it crumbled up? And why did you throw it?" Ruby asked, careful to make sure her tone was gentle and soft.

 "I uhm.. I just couldn't get the picture down right. I was frustrated with myself." Blake pulled her arm behind her to scratch the back of her neck. Ruby raised an eyebrow in curiosity as she walked towards the other set of beds. 

 "But why? This is so good! Better than I could draw." Ruby stood up on the tips of her toes, expressing her cheerfulness and energy while her face implied the same. This caused Blake to relax and loose some of the tenseness in her shoulders and back. 

"Thanks Ruby." She smiled. 

 Ruby continued to look at the drawing in awe. "Oh! Is this your weapon!? It looks so cool! Did you add something to it?" Ruby asked with the enthusiasm of a thousand suns. This made Blake giggle.

 "Yea." She patted the spot next to her on the bed. Ruby dropped down next to her continuing to point out parts of the drawing. Despite the precious moment, Blake's happiness soon ended.

 "Oh, who's weapons are these?" Ruby pointed toward a sketch of A long gun and a sword. Wilt, and Blush. Blake frowned, looking away. Not only was that piece the one that had frustrated her, but it also reminded her of someone she didn't want to think about around her teammates. The situation gave her flashbacks to a nightmare she had just a week ago. Although being far from the present, the memory was still fresh in her mind. 

 "It's nothing. Just, a weapon I um, had a dream about a while back. Must've just saw someone holding it." A white lie. Ruby could tell something was off. Blake didn't smile nearly as much as she did, but she didn't frown all that often either.

 "Well, I think whose ever it is, it looks really cool! Heh, not as cool as Crescent Rose though." Ruby buffed her chest up in pride, feeling fairly satisfied with her gun-scythe. Blake rolled her eyes.

 "I'm sure you are." The smile returned. "Say, where did you find the inspiration for it? It's much more unique than many other weapons I've seen before." 

 Ruby used up every last bit of oxygen in her lungs to go on and on about how and why she made Crescent Rose. Inspiration mostly from her uncle, and a huge list of details she added that she gathered from several different famous weapons in order to make hers just as high quality. This lasted for almost an hour, until Blake yawned and Ruby finally realized it was night time. "Heheheh, sorry for um, taking so long to explain." Ruby got up and paced across the room to reach her own bed with a nervous grin.

 "It's fine Ruby." Another yawn, along with stretching. "Goodnight." Blake walked up to the room's single door.

 "Wait, where are you going? Aren't you tired?" Ruby asked while grabbing her pajamas from her suit case. 

 "Yea, but I need to do some thinking. I'll see you in the morning." Blake quietly pushed the door open.

 Ruby smiled. "See you in the morning." With that, Blake smiled back before closing the door behind her.

-Credit for writing goes to myself while characters and the setting go to Rooster Teeth.-

-During Beacon times, there was one moment we saw Blake drawing a sketch of Adam, which looked pretty good. Unfortunately we haven't seen that artistic side to her since then, so I like to write it into my stories just to make her character a bit more interesting a relate-able. I also thought that, since she enjoys drawing perhaps she started by sketching out blueprints for her first weapon. So, my headcannon is that she mostly draws hers and other's weapons as a hobby to relax and her keep her calm in hard times.-

-Also, Wilt and Blush are Adam's weapons, just in case you didn't catch that!-

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