Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Matthew (My brother), for showing me Skyrim in the first place!

"Nice weather isn't it? It alsways seems to be cold in Windhelm."  

I sat bolt upright and froze until I remembered where I was. I had left Riften 7 hours ago, and my carriage was almost at Windhelm. 

About an hour later, i was just begining to doze off again, when I heard a muffled scream. It was the driver. I looked up to see a gang of Altmer bandits hacking at the horse and dragging the driver off his seat. I scrambled off the carriage, but a strong hand on my shoulder stopped me from going any further. I was gagged,blindfolded and bound, and afterwards all I could hear was a voice asking about what to do with 'the little elf'. By the Thalmor, if they think I'm going to put up with this, they've got another thing coming, I thought

After a good hour or so of walking, the blindfold was lifted off my face, but the gag and shackles stayed. I was lead through a dark tunnel, until we finally got to the main hall. I looked around, but i couldn't see the driver anywhere. Shame, he was a good man. My attention was drawn to an Altmer man, standing at the head of a feasting table. I assumed he was the leader of the bandits. Strange, I thought, why is a bandit leader, a delinquent, standing with such astounding grace and authority. I know high elves have that aura, but not like that...

I stared at him for a few seconds, but he caught my gaze and I quickly looked away. I could feel my face flaming up, and cursed myself. That was not how i was supposed to feel.  I was supposed to feel scared or brave. Although I think someone once told me that bravery is the kindest word for stupidity. Anyway, embarassed is not on that list!

"Release her."

As they untied my binds, one of the bandits 'accidently' kicked the back of my leg, and I fell to the floor, coughing and spluttering. I was helped up by someone, who i soon realised to be the leader. Taking an unsteady step back, i looked at him warily.

"What's your name?" His voice was kind, but i knew not to trust him. He could probably see this in my eyes. His voice came again.

"You need not be afraid." 

There was an awkward moment of silence, before I answered, cautious but truthful.

"Psyna Oakvale."

His face was knowing. "Ah, so you do not only have the gracefulness of an Altmer, but you also have the stealth and marksman skill of a Bosmer."

I was begining to become less scared more...intrigued. Somehow, he knew I wasn't fully Altmer, yet he also knew I wasn't fully Bosmer. How odd...It was probably my name. I took my chance to show my place in the world, to show that i wasn't a delinquent.

"Indeed. But it has also left me to the animals of discrimination. You have yet to introduce yourself. It can come across as quite rude you know. Even when the guest has been reduced to a scruffy mess."

He chuckled. "Well then. I am Linwe, leader of the Summerset Shadows. I am half Altmer, half Bosmer, rather like yourself. Here I am not discriminated against. This is because we are a welcoming community, except our way of income is frowned upon." I was quick to respond.

"Are you sure you aren't discriminated against because of that? Or is it that if you were, the offender would be kicked out of your little bandit crew, or he would be lying dead in a ditch somewhere?"

"But that is where you have us wrong. We are not bandits. We are theives. To kill means you have to pay, 500 gold for each persons blood spilled. If we kicked someone out, what would stop them from running to the local guards, hm? Where would that get us then?"

 "No where good, I assume." I retorted. I yawned involuntarily. Linwe seemed to take this as a sign.

"You must be tired. Faemin, take Miss Oakvale to one of the guest rooms." He made a couple of strange hand gestures, and i guessed that they were a different language, as the theif who had hold of my arm nodded in agreement. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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