The Mirror

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When I was nine years old, I received a mirror for my birthday from my friend Namjoon. I asked myself, why did Namjoon get me a mirror? He knows I could just use the mirror in my royal bathroom, right?

So, I asked him, "Hey Namjoonie, why did you get me a mirror? You don't have to waste your money on me. I can just use the mirror in my bathroom."

"But, if you use that mirror it wouldn't matter as much because it'll just seem like an ordinary mirror. Whereas, if you use my mirror it'll seem more special and important because it was from me! It can also help you see the beauty in yourself." He explained with a huge smile on his face.

I blushed at how cute he was acting. Damn, this kid and his big brain. He's lucky he's cute, otherwise I would have yelled at him for forgetting to call me hyung.

I opened my moth and said, "Alright, I believe you. I'll make sure I use it all the time, just for you!" I told him. I hugged him with a huge smile on my face.

A/N This was supposed to be a book about JinxJin because someone told me I should make this book..... But this seems more like Namjin rather than a book about how Jin fell in love with himself. But don't worry there will be Jin moments where he is being a narcissist. Someone please tell me which ship they want.

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