The encounter

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It's been six months since the Gideon thing in Boston with the bomb

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It's been six months since the Gideon thing in Boston with the bomb. Now the team came back late from their first case in Seattle Washington with Jason Gideon back in the field again. Hotch decided to let them go home early. He knew everyone hadn't slept well over the last couple of days and sometimes the team needed a break from everything. Hotch didn't want to go home, he knew that the second he came home Haley would start another fight with him about missing their babies check up appointment and he wasn't really in the mood for that at the moment. He was already dreading the next morning. If there was anything he hated, it was interviewing people for positions at the BAU. Most applicants were young and cocky and thought they could easily to the job. The job wasn't easy at all. The long days of looking at the worst that humanity had to offer made them all different. With every single case you would lose a little piece of you that you would never get back. Hotch couldn't even begin to think what he would do when something happened to his unborn son. His marriage was slowly falling apart day by day he can see that but his unborn son would always be the most important thing in his life.

It was 9 pm and Hotch didn't want to go home yet. He also didn't want to stay in the office anymore. For tonight he just needed a distraction to think about something else other than chasing criminals and interviewing rookie profilers. He stepped in his car and left the FBI building. After driving for what seemed like an hour, he stopped at a little bar. He parked the car and walked in, he sat down at a stool at the bar and ordered scotch.

In the meantime Lexie Grey was sitting in her hotel room. She arrived in DC two hours ago and she had no idea what she could do. The nerves for the job interview the next morning were already beginning to surface. She knew that working with BAU would be a dream come true. Even though she was only 21 years old and with the Bureau for just a year, deep down she knew she could to this job. Her colleagues in the New-York field office supported her decision to fill out an application for the position at the BAU. A week after that she got a call and they told her they wanted an interview with her. Now all she could do was to think about what she was going to say. She heard rumors that the Unit Chief was an ass, so that didn't make her feel much better, but she decided not to let herself get scared away.

To take her mind of the interview, she changed and went to a bar around the corner of her hotel. Drinking her problems away were normally not Lexie way of coping, but tonight she wanted to enjoy.

Lexie walked into the bar in her skinny jeans and a black top that fit her body perfectly. She decided that she wasn't going to stay to long, but she just needed a drink. She sat down next to Hotch and order herself a beer.

She looked at the man next to her and she saw he wasn't bad looking at all. He was the exact opposite, he was in his mid 30's, tall, dark and handsome. She thought making small talk might take her mind of things.

''So, I need some advice. Since you're a guy it might help me." Lexie said with small laugh forming on her face. Hotch turned around and looked her in the eyes. The first thing he saw was how beautiful she was. He wasn't looking for anyone to talk to, but there's nothing wrong with giving a beautiful woman some advice. When Lexie saw him turning around she knew he was listening to her. "See I have this really important job interview tomorrow, but everyone tells me that the guy I am interviewing with is an ass. So, I have no idea what I should do. Should I go back to my hotel room and prepare for the interview or should I stay here and try to loosen up a little?'' Lexie exclaimed with a nervous laughed. Hotch had no idea what he was supposed to say to her. He never had an interview with an ass before. Maybe Strauss would count, but she was even worse than an ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2020 ⏰

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