Before The Before

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Lance P.O.V

      I am Laurence Marco Sanchez-McClain but,my "Friends" call me Lance.I didn't choose to be abnormal but,god hates my gutes so,there's no stopping it.Ever since I was-"Laurence!Time for school!Stop writing in your diary and get ready!"
"Sí mama."I'll tell the rest later but,have to get ready for school.

       3rd P.O.V

     Laurence pulled on his normal white shirt,with blue long sleeves,and his regular blue jeans.Laurence ran down his stairs to go grab his shoes and backpack.Laurence goes to G.A High or Galra Altea High.Laurence knows everyone there at this point,the whole school doesn't even knows he exists but,thats how its always been.Every school is the same:Make fake friends,Get bullied,Be a ghosts to all the other students,Repeat.He doesn't blame them for the bullying or the fake friends,he feels as though he deserves it for being a freak.Laurence oe Lance has a lot of mental issues.He has OCD,ADHD,Depression,Anxiety,and PTSD.He takes a lot of pills every morning,night and afternoon to keep him stable but,the worst thing is that he isn't human.He from an ancient race that is named Altean.They are no threat but,he can bend water with his emotions because he has the descendants of the Altean water god running through his vains but,he can't control it yet.He's scared.Laurence got to the bus stop as the bus driver pulled up to it.He was happy,not a real happy but,it made the bus driver smile so,he did it without a care in the world.When he got to the school he jumped off of the stairs of the bus and ran to his locker.He forgot to study for his biology test,again.He knew he was going to pass like always.When he was walking down the hallway he saw a group of people and he didn't who they were so,they were new.When he got to 1st period,his social studies teacher told his to go to the front office.He didn't care but,he did wonder why he was going.Going through the long,low-light hallway was nerve racking,his Anxiety was building up with each step and when he got to the office door he qas prepared to have a panic attack any moment.Once he opened the door he saw the group again but,with the principal."Hello Lance,Do you mind showing the new students around the school for since you know it like the back of your hand"And Alfor was right,Lance has walked around these halls 2 years but,he knows where everything is,was,and will be."Alright."Lance says with an emotionless tone."What are your names?" "Well,"a man with black and white hair states."Im Takashi Shirogane and the leader of this pack but,just call me shiro."Shiro states with a calm tone as they were walking to the library to ask for a pass."Im Keith Kogone,I'm  the loner of the pack."Said a tall man with a jet black mullet."I'm Pidge Gunderson and I'm the brains of the pack."Said a short brown haired,amber eyed gremlin."I'm Hunk Garret and I'm the food source of the pack."Stated tall,light brown teddy bear of a man."And I'm Allura Altea the "mom" of the pack."Said a tall,dark skinned,white haired,blue eyed,women."Well,as you probably already know I'm Lance McClain." "So,let me try this,Shiro" "Yep" "Hunk" "Sí" "Keith" "Mhm" Allura" "Correct." "And Katie" "Ye-wait I never said my real name?!" "A guy has his tricks Pidge." ". . . . Are you an alien?" Lance then,started to panic he couldn't her find out."Nope just really smart."

       After showing them around

     "Well,it was nice meering you have great day in hell." Lance yelled as he ran off to the garden out front.In the garden there is a secret path that not even alfor knows of. He didn't show it to the new people because its his spot to relax at and not worry about being found out by a short-enough-to-look-like-a-14-year-old-girl.

      "What a great way to start the new year."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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