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As the waves advanced near me
A deep breath I took in
Surged through me a zeal,
Bravery I never knew was a part of me.
Compelled I put my legs in
The lack of control
Was like fuel to me
There I waited for the ocean to take me in
To cradle me near it's bosom
But as the sand skid from beneath me
Leaving me behind 
Saying there goodbyes
The trance, the spell casted upon me was released
Back in reality I found myself in
Joy made its way to my heart
A calming bliss enveloping me
Looking at Poseidon I smiled,
Thanking him for everything
Back in reality I found myself in.
                                               Sri Gayathri


This poem is about a girl who goes to the beach after a long day of work and  routine.
There as she stood in front of the ocean staring far at the horizon she felt too calm too peaceful, attracted to which she took steps further in.
Feeling brave for a moment she just  closed her eyes and prayed to be engulfed by the serenity around.
However as the waves came to take there dear friends the sand and shells they left her behind. That's when reality hit her the work she must do
the responsibilities she has. Instead of feeling sorrow she felt bliss cause there is something 'she' has to do something that 'she' can do in 'her' life .
The sense of bliss did engulf her as she had prayed, however in a different way. A way which showed her a path she has to follow and following which she will feel fulfilment. After this she thanks Poseidon (the Greek god of water) and tells him she will come back and takes leave.

Hey there!
I would love to hear your feedback and also your thoughts about this poem.
Like seriously if any of you have different views or interpretations please comment I would love to read them.
Please do like and share thanks 😊

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