Part 1(somewhat smut)

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hi My names Bree Bennett and I feel like the only sain human being in my small town called springs-dale. Why you might ask. Well a guy named Harry styles kinda covers it. He has brainwashed the entire town and made him seem like a hero. Really he's just a two faced back stabbing man whore with big hair. My unpopular opinion comes with a lot of flaws and a major one is no friends but I do have my older sister Evelyn and younger sister amber there both in high school so they understand my problems more then anyone could. Our high school is called springs-dale high, it's a catholic school. I hate that we have to go there but "how else would I get educated" as my parents like to say. I don't know maybe a public school? Anyways let's take a step into my shoes for a week or better yet a day and you will see why I despise Harry styles.

*bree's P.O.V*
*Monday morning November 2nd 2013*
I woke up to my alarm on my phone singing demons by imagine dragons, my oldest sister Evelyn's playing balled of Mona Lisa by panic! At the disco and my youngest sister Amber's playing ride by twenty one pilots. Our mornings are always hectic so listening to music helps to make us happy and calm. I got up and brushed my teeth, straightened my hair, put on light makeup and then put on my outfit which was black ripped jeans, a white and black stripped shirt and a black beanie matched with my normal vans. Simple easy and effortless, like always. I seen the time which was 7:54 so I started to put my backpack together. Pretty much just shoving my textbooks, binders and pencil case into it and zipped it up. I headed of to my first class which was advanced math. Which I hated. I love math and I am fairly good at it which is why I'm in the advanced class but Harry is in that class and he makes it so hard to do anything without me wanting to push him out of his chair.
"Miss. Bennett, your late....again" my teacher said looking at me with a stern look.
"Yes I'm sorry" i said while walking to my seat Hearing a few chuckles on the way.
"Not even an attempt to make up an excuse today, damn Bennett. You have lost your ways" Harry bent over from his seat behind me so he just came up to my ear and said it whispering as quite as possible. As he said that it gave me shivers down my spine.
"Has anyone ever told you your breath smells really bad, like jeez eat a mint" I whispered back to him
The day went on in the same way. Classes were boring, Harry makes me mad, I insult him, he does it back. Nothing new. At lunch I sat with my sisters to tell them what had happened and some gossip had started in Evelyn's classes(the seniors classes)
"So Aparently I heard from some people who are friends with Harry that he has a crush on you" Evelyn said while I look at her puzzled.
"There's no way, Harry likening me? God no. He wouldn't be caught dead liking me" I only speak the truth and that was definitely it. But honestly though, Harry liking me. Ha. Ha.
"Okay suit yourself, but just saying you would make a cute ass couple." Evelyn said while shoving her lunch into her
"Eww, me and Harry. Gross. Harry's the worst"
"He's not that bad, before lunch he helped me carry my thi-" amber piped in and she could have started her conversation off better but she didn't.
"You have just violated so many things in my life. Harry being nice is not in our vocabulary" I said mainly because she doesn't know better to not let him in. I did that. He hurt me.

*flashback to Valentine's Day freshman year 2010*
"Harry come on, we're gonna miss the fire works" I said yelling to him as I ran out to the truck.
"Do you wanna just.....stay here. There would be no difference if we stayed here or went to the beach. Please, it's still cold and I kinda don't wanna go."
"Why, and also it's plus 7 if that's your idea of cold then jeez"
"Well maybe because I just wanna kiss you, and maybe it is my idea of cold"
"Can we kiss each other at the beach?"
"No because I want to do something after and i don't think you would want to do it on a beach"
Every word of his shouted of agony and I didn't know why, maybe he was desperate. I am only 15 though and I am not ready to lose my V-card especially to a guy who just started liking me 3 weeks ago. Or was I? I'm not sure.
"Oh, you wanna" I said stuttering slightly
"Are you ready to?" Harry always asked if I was ready to do things but most of the time I lied. So much there wasn't even a point of asking.
"I mean...I guess"
"The let's go inside"
We walked inside and Harry gestured me into his bedroom, he looked at me and bit his lip. Was I ready for this? I don't think so. But I won't stop now, he's already taking his shirt of.
"Are you going to get undressed or do you want me to do it?" Harry said throwing his shirt on the floor
"You can if you want" I quietly said and before I knew it Harry was all over me kissing my neck and taking off my shirt and then my bra, it all happened so fast. I didn't want to do this. But I was. Harry continued taking off my clothes until I was completely naked. I was pushed onto the bed as Harry started to kiss all the way down my stomach. Not missing an inch of skin. He got down to my thigh and he started to kiss there and up. What the hell was I doing this for. I don't want to do this. This it not pleasure this is pressure and I hated this so much. I seen Harry pull out his phone and he said cheese while taking a picture of me.
"What are you doing" I asked a little worried.
"Well not you that's for sure, get dressed and go home slut" Harry's words impaled me deep. I have never felt like this before. Betrayed, hurt, scared, alone. I don't know what had made him do this to me, I thought he was a nice guy
"Why did you do that?" Im a little tearful but I was holding it
"Oh thought I liked you. Man you were wrong. No um I don't fuck and tell so I didn't fuck you. Just made you think it and took a picture for my collection."
"Your collection? Your sick" i said knowing a tear went down my face
"Umm or the skanks that come into my home and think I like them"
I got dressed and left because If I stayed longer in know I wouldn't be holding back my tears for much longer. I couldn't believe that happened and the fact that I was in my misery doing it. I went home and I cried for hours and hours. So long that i didn't sleep and I could see the sunshine starting to shine through my window.

*end flashback*
"Oh chill out, it's not like I'm gonna get into bed with him and end up like you" amber said while smirking at me.
"wow, you know what. I'm gonna go sit somewhere else. Can you handle that or are ya gonna follow me like you always do?"
"Where else can you sit. You have no friends"
Amber always had quick wit and I hated it. Somethings she says goes to far and she doesn't even realize it.
"Alright you go act like that here and I'm gonna go to a table where your not"
"What do you mean the bathroom table?"
"Alright enough" Evelyn said when I turned away to go somewhere else. It wasn't funny but I was headed to the bathroom. Really where else could I go? The day passed without a word to amber. i walked home instead of bussing like my sisters. When I got home I got a granola bar and went to hid in my room. Locked door and everything. I did my calculus homework per usual then followed by my math and Spanish. After my homework was done it was about 6:30 so I expected my mom to be home soon. But I did have to eat so I went downstairs made 2 pizza pockets and went back to my room without a word to amber. I turned my music on and just sat on my bed with my eyes closed for I don't know how long but I fell asleep. I was woken up by my mom shaking me.
"Bree, honey your in your day clothes." My mom said while trying to wake me up
"What time is it?"
"Wow. I was out for awhile"
"Yes you where. Go get into your pyjamas and crawl back into bed."
"Yeah ok" I did so because I was still tired and there was no way I was going to stay in the uncomfortable jeans an longer.

Harry styles is the worst Where stories live. Discover now