1~Die Young.

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Robbie woke up to an overexcited puppy man jumping on him. 

Opening his eyes, he glared up at his friend Cerberus who was jumping from bed to bed. Grabbing his pillow, he shoved it over his head and Robbie could hear Cerberus whine, 

"Robbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie" The other complained and Robbie's voice came out very muffled from where he lay, 

"What do you want Cerberus" Robbie grumbled and he yelped as Cerberus flopped on him,

"It's nine in the morning" 


"So they have free breakfast!!" 

"Couldn't you have gone yourself?" Robbie asked, peeking from behind the pillow at his friend who was staring at him with wide puppy eyes. 

"Well yea I could've but did I really want too?" Cerberus asked then he grinned, "The answer is no, no I did not". 

Robbie face palmed then spread his fingers to stare at his friend, rolling his eyes, 

"Let me get some clothes on, then I'll come with you" 

Cerberus made a whooping noise and ran out of the hotel room, Robbie getting up and quickly pulling on the same clothes from the previous night which still smelled like bar and he brushed his teeth quick before heading out with Cerberus. 

They met up with the rest of the band in the restaurant. Blue was shoveling waffles into his mouth like they were going out of style while Dean was filming him, Kairo was nibbling at a bowl of fruit and instead of saying hello, Cerberus made a beeline towards the food. 

"Hey Robbie" Dean said, acknowledging his friend with a nod of his head, Kairo waved at him and Blue made a muffled noise that sounded vaguely like a hello. 

"Hey guys" Robbie said, sitting down and yawning, "Where are we heading next?" 

"Our first stop is in New York" Kairo said, spearing a chunk of cantaloupe with his fork, "Then we head off to a few more American cities before we head to Canada" 

"Canada eh?" Dean said with a over exaggerated Canadian accent and a grin, Kairo rolled his eyes,   

"You are a class act Dean" 

"But a damn good bassist" Cerberus said upon his return, slamming a plate that was mostly bacon and two pancakes with a cup of syrup. Robbie was immediately concerned for what his friend was planning with his food. 

Blue finally managed to swallow his food with a wince, rubbing his throat as he panted then he looked at Robbie who was too busy watching Cerberus assemble what seemed to be a bacon sandwich with pancakes as the bread, a shit load of butter and then drizzled it with syrup. 

"Bet you can't eat that in one bite" Dean grinned and Kairo, without looking up from his fruit, smacked him across the face, 

"Your girlfriend coming with us?" Blue asked and Robbie looked over at his friend, 


"No, your other girlfriend, yes I'm talking about Phoebe you hairbrain" 

Robbie stuck his tongue out at Blue then shrugged, "I could always ask her, we do go home for a few days before the tour" 

"I'll sing that song you wrote for her if she comes" Cerberus said through a mouthful of syrupy pancake bacon sandwich and Robbie turned red,

"She is suddenly not coming" 

"Come on Robbie it ain't that bad, its a sweet song" Blue said, "My papa writes songs for my dad all the time and vice versa" 

"Your dads are also in highly acclaimed bands while we are a bunch of teenagers-" 

"Young adults" 

"-Yes thank you Dean, anyways, we are a bunch of young adults who write about mango's being sticky and partying. My love song is a big change of pace" 

"Which the kids will appreciate" Dean said, taking a cube of fruit off of Kairo's plate and popping it in his mouth, ignoring Kairo's glare at him and Robbie sighed, 

"I guess..." 

"Stop being emo, you're a scene kid" Cerberus said, tapping Robbie's chin and getting syrup on it, Robbie wrinkled his nose but smiled, 

"Alright, I'll ask Phoebe" 

"Alright man" Blue said and proceeded to shovel more waffles into his mouth, choking a little on whipped cream and Dean started smacking his back. Robbie thought about how he would suggest to his girlfriend that she should spend a few months on a cramped bus with him and his idiot friends. 

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