Pre Halloween

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One Day

"...may be this...but this is too revealing...No...ugh..." Jian Yi squatted down near the basketball court, his face buried in the papers spread out before him. The cheers from ongoing basketball game made him look up and accidently he locked eyes with his honey, Zheng XiXi. Immediately, he brightened up and flashed a big smile with a thumb up.

Zheng XiXi smiled faintly before rejoining the game and Jian Yi went back to his mess. He muttered to himself with hypothetical dark clouds loomed over him.

Suddenly a heavy slap landed on his back and he let out a lout yelp. "Owww! What the hell...Oh it just you, He Tian." He jumped up and ready to take on the offender but saw that it was his friend and one of many he couldn't win against in a fight, he mellowed out. He Tian flashed him a smirk and asked, "Yo, what are you doing here, squatting in a corner?" Jian Yi winced, still rubbing his back, and picked up the papers.

"Knock it off, He Tian. Well....Halloween is coming up so...Wait, come here. This will benefit you too." Jian Yi beamed bright and threw arm over He Tian's shoulder and urged him to the nearest bench.

"Ok, now. Like I said, Halloween is coming up. And there is annual school party." "Yea, so? It's the same every year." Jian Yi slapped He Tian's forehead and said, "Poor you. This year is different. I mean we to go there together. Me with XiXi and you with red head. Think about the costumes we can wear together," Catching up on what he meant, He Tian smiled wide and rubbed Jian Yi's head happily. "You are smart sometimes."

Jian Yi slapped his hand away and said, "That's rude. To think I thought of sharing this idea with you. Go away." He pulled the papers back and jumped to his feet. "You are not sharing with me even when I say I will sponsor the costumes?" He Tian said, leaned back on the bench with arms spread out on headrest.

Jian Yi immediately sat down and spread out his papers again, "Ok, so here is what I have in mind...." The two happily and earnestly discussed about the possible costumes they could dress their boyfriends in. Meanwhile on basketball court, Zheng XiXi sneezed and almost fell flat on his face. Mo Gaung Shan, on the other hand, bit his lip hard while chewing bread and cursed out lout, scaring his surroundings.

He Tian waited in front of Mo's classroom in the evening like he always did. Imagining Mo in all the possible costumes for Halloween painted a smile on his face and cheered him up so much, he was beaming when Mo stepped out. Mo, used to his boyfriend waiting him on the way back, dragged his bag lazily out of the room, as he didn't want to look too eager but stunned on spot when he saw He Tian glowing with brightest smiles. He took a step back, knowing there was danger coming for him. He Tian saw Mo hesitating at the entrance, joyfully went and grabbed Mo's hand before pulling him to follow him. "Let's go, Little Mo. We got something to discuss." "Wait, Wait, hey you bastard. I said wait. I need to change shoes."

"No, I am not interested." As expected, Mo rejected his idea to dress up for Halloween after he explained in length on their way back home. "It will be fun, little Mo. I mean you've never joined any of the events before." Mo scoffed and replied, "Because it a waste of time and I still don't like those events." He Tian tried his best to persuade him. "But this will be first event we can go together as couple." Mo immediately turned red and pushed He Tian away from hugging him. "Wha...what couple? You can go by yourself for all I care. And stop trying to molest me in the street. I will knock your teeth out." Mo slapped away He Tian's snaky hands and walked fast, almost running, leaving He Tian in his dust.

He Tian enjoying the honeymoon pleasure smiled as he watched Mo rushing down the road and occasionally looked back at him. And when he was caught, he blushed hard and raised a middle finger toward him. He Tian couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Oh my Little Mo, you are too cute. But marks my words, I will see you in costume by the end of the week." Making a mental note, he leisurely walked to the black car parked across the road and got in. "Take me to biggest Halloween costume store first. I got things to buy."

The next few days were annoying and tiring for Little Mo. He was constantly surprised by outrageous costumes from miniskirts with animal ears to one piece bunny suits. He Tian would pop up during the recess, flashing the embarrassing outfits and yelled out his name. First a few times, he chased him out of the room and it was fine. But after two or three times, he could no longer stand the embarrassment and hid immediately when the lessons ended. It was the worst when the school over. No matter how hard he tried to run away, He Tian caught him and made him put on the costumes which he couldn't stop taking photos. It went on for three days and finally Mo's tolerance broke.

"I told you to FUCKING STOP!!" he shouted, angered for real in a long time. The students who walk passed, glanced at the two standing in the school courtyard and whispered to each other. Mo threw the angel wings and halo which seemed to be the theme for today's harassment. He Tian smiled patiently and picked up the pair of wings, "But I followed what you asked. There're no revealing clothes with this. Just wings and this circle. Come on, little Mo. You'll look hella cute in this."

Mo was someone who always let his emotions take the reins before rational thinking. Already annoyed by the continuous pestering in previous days and now coupled with the embarrassment made him lose his head. "Cute? To hell with it. And to hell with you. I am not some woman for you to call me cute. When are you going to get that I fucking hate it? I hate annoying things like this. I hate..." "Being with me?" He Tian cut in after listening to Mo exploded into rage with utter calmness.

Hearing it, Mo stopped blurting out the words and his head cooled a little. "Little Mo, I know you don't like me and you just followed me because I make you feel good." "What did you just say?" Mo stared at him with wide eyes, veins popping on his forehead. "But I am sincere when I said I love you and want to be in relationship with you. Is it too much of me to want to do something like a couple for once?'' even though his words were almost pleading, his face remained the same, passive and cold.

"Cut your bullshit. Did you just say I am with you because I like pleasure? Are you saying I am fucking slut who open his leg to anyone?" His knuckles were turning white and trembled with anger. "I don't mean it that way but have you ever said what you feel toward me?" He Tian continued to be chill in his speech but his eyes were stern, exuding his inner rage making the atmosphere between the two frighteningly cold. The students looked at the situation from afar in case the two broke into fight and dragged everyone in.

Mo opened his mouth and closed again, he could feel the words welling up inside his chest and stuck in the throat, starting to make him dizzy. His palms stung as the nails dug into the flesh but he wasn't aware of it. There was far more agonizing pain piercing through his chest. The two remained silent for a few minutes. "See? You can't answer me.... Haaaa Guess I was too got into it all by myself and annoyed you... This is enough.'' He Tian broke the silent with a very exasperated sigh and he threw the wings on the bench before turned around and walked away leaving stunned Mo alone.

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