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Have you ever had that feeling when you're happy (genuinely happy) but it feels like the sadness cloud is just looming over you?

That's the feeling I have right now.

It's confusing because it feels like the happy and the sad are going at each other and I don't know which to feel right now.

I think the main reason for this looming sadness was that I was trying to help somebody, but they didn't give any message back or feedback on how they're doing. They just left me on read.

It's a person who I keep chasing after and I can't let go of them even if I wanted to. I've had an emotional connection with them and it's hard to let them go and move on. They already moved on but I can't. It's so hard to move on and now that I'm thinking of the past, I want to know what I did wrong. It feels like a lie right now and that they never liked me and I was trying to live this fantasy of love.

I know they don't have to reply and this probably sounds stupid, but it hurts. It really fucking hurts.

They just care about somebody else and keep pining over somebody else.

When I try to talk to them again in hopes to renew what's been lost but I feel so bothersome.

If I am bothersome, I wish they would tell me and just unfollow me. Tell me that they don't want my presence around so I can accept the fact and move on. But they don't. If they do enjoy my presence, I wish they would tell me also. Tell me that I'm not bothersome and do try to renew something.

They don't do either and just leave me in false hope of something that's never going to happen.

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