8. Dumbledore in truble

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After one and a half hour studying in the library Harry and Draco makes their way back to their rooms
"Wait here I'm just going to catch Tom, I'll be back in a minute"
Harry hurries to their rooms and when he opens the door and looks around, the first thing he notices is the book that is laying on the floor as if someone just dropped it and ran away, 'he is surely just in the bathroom or something'
'Fuck, where is he'
Harry hurries to the bathroom door and trows it open
"Are you in here"
Harry could feel his inner vampire trying to take control, but he fights it

Harry storms out of his room, students all years scrambles out of his way. Unknown to Harry his eyes were a glowing red colour and his anger and magic rolled from him
"He iss gone, ssomeone hass been in our room"
"Do you have any idea who it was?"
You could hear the anger in every word he said and he mixed parsel and English in his fury. Harry stormed out from the common room towards the great hall where he guessed Dumbledore was now that dinner had just started.

Dumbledore had come up with the perfect plan to separate Harry and Tom, and in that way win Harry over when he released that Tom wasn't his mate and he was the same person as he was when he killed Harry's parents. He asked one of the old headmasters to keep an eye on Harry. Not soon after he came back and told him that Harry will be in the library studying after school. He guessed that Tom would be in their rooms.

As school ends he makes himself invisible and follows Harry, Tom and Draco as they makes their way to the common room to dump of all the books they don't need before, Harry kissed Tom goodbye and left with Draco. As Harry turned away Tom made his way to a door with a silver sign on it, Hogwarts heir. He opened the door and Dumbledore crept inside before the door closed again. Tom went over to one of the bookshelf's and picked out a book before he made his way to one of the sofas by the fireplace to sit down and read until Harry was back. Five minutes later Dumbledore took the invisibilityspell of and of course Tom noticed, he dropped the book but before he was able to fire the first spell Dumbledore cast a stupify. He apparated to his office with Tom taking his wand and apparating to the great hall. As it's still to early for dinner no one was there, he transfigured a napkin to a cage, put Tom in it and made it float behind the teachers table so that everyone could see. He put some magical blocks on it so Tom didn't use wandless magic on him before he woke him up, it would end in a disaster and it would be highly embarrassing to be attacked by his prisoner just because he didn't think this all trough.

As soon as the students arrived in the great hall they started whispering, pointing and stare at the cage over the teachers table. Tom just sat there, he had tested it he could do magic and he could, as long as he didn't aim outside the cage. He new it was meaningless to try to come out, and he new that as Harry came to eat he would help him, or so he hoped

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