working together

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Danielle pov

Flying fast as I could to the DEO, landing quickly Alex met me in the landing bay  looking anxious "someone here to see you" she cut me off before I could ask "he asked for you personally" "what, why and how did he get in the DEO?" "that something he should answer."

"Steven Howard Ryan" "Ry

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"Steven Howard Ryan" "Ry... Ryan" "yes ma'am it's nice to finally put a name to a face...Danielle."

"wait. How you know her name?"

Before he could answer I cut them off "your James grandson" speaking softly; it was only yesterday I wasn't able to save James is he here wanting revenge. Does he know about the war?

"yes, ma'am, he told me so much about you" I saw no distrust in his voice no anger nothing making me more and more confused "but that's a story for another time I...need your help" hearing the fear in his voice.

"it's my daughter, Rose. those people who attacked yesterday had taken her."


"Brainy report!!" Alex yelled with me by her side and Steve behind "I ran a face recognition and no matches were found" Brainy informed making me look at Alex confused "how is that possible are data better than any government agencies?"

"well after some searching, I found this"

Brainy turned to the screen revealing what looked like a white cloud in Russa "I don't get it what that got to do with getting my daughter back!" "calm down we will find her. but we need to know who we fighing." I calm him making it clear, I won't stop until I stop them whoever this HYDRA is, their going to pay for messing with the wrong city.

"It matters because there is the same signature happed before in '1918'" Braniy drought the same layout when i came to earth and they were a match

"that's impossible no one should have that power to teleport to another world!! not without the right technology" I argued, "wait slow down. what happened in the war?" "That was when I was banished to earth."

Explaining what happens, gods, have to power to travel different dimensions as reviling my neckless around the kneck that changes my clothes to Guardian and allowing me to open portals; travelling to different worlds only dimension I wasn't able to return was Olympus after my aunt Antiope destroyed the portal stoping my father from finding me.

Explaining what happens, gods, have to power to travel different dimensions as reviling my neckless around the kneck that changes my clothes to Guardian and allowing me to open portals; travelling to different worlds only dimension I wasn't able t...

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"ill call John we fly over there see what we can find" I suggested moving to leave "I'm coming with you!!" turning to see Steve fallowing behind me "and I'm not taking no for an answer. If it's possible that my daughter is there that I'm going, with or without your help."

Seeing he wasn't backing down making me sigh in annoyance glancing back at Alex for help for her to shake her shoulders "gear up you have 5 minutes" I ordered

"yes ma'am"

"how do you know he wasn't going to back down" hearing Alex move next to me making me chuckle "because James was always stubborn. He just like him." Sharing a small smile moving to call John telling him the plan.


"Be save""aways"

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"Be save"

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