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« Fall, don't resist... There you go. Now let go ... »

On a fall evening, around midnight, a strange scene was taking place in the BNF's basement. Three pair of eyes were carefully looking at the frail body which was lying in the air. The latter had just left the scale on which it was perched, right in front of the medical documentation section. The dark lightning of the room, which allowed the conservation of the oldest manuscripts, created a gloomy atmosphere. The flying body was one of a young woman, a brunette with ocean eyes. Her figure, framed with curls, was in fact really pretty. Despite the three men, nobody else was in the room. She was entirely at their mercy...

"We should make her spin a bit, that would be fun!" the first one giggled.
"An excellent idea, agreed the second one, with a grin."
The third remained silent: he was staring at her as if he could not keep his eyes of her body. Spin around. As she slowly started moving, her supple and relaxed body looking like a corpse, she suddenly opened her wild eyes, and uttered a shout. She struggled to regain the control of her own body, but it lied in the air in vain.
"I beg you..."
The first two men laughed at her, without feeling an ounce of empathy. The bewildered gaze of the young victim accidently paused on the third one, who was still quiet. Her stomach suddenly heaved. She was at the verge of being cowardly murdered, and now, among her killers she was recognizing him. He was going to be her assassin. Despite all they lived together, he was going to betray her. How could she be so blind and spent so much time with him while he was premeditating her assassination on his sides. Her hearth was bursting.

"I'm so sorry, he whispered"
Even if she managed to stay a lived, she will never forgive him. He was attacking her, the woman to whom he said, "I love you". It was despicable. We always say that the path between love and hate was short, and, from that moment she knew it was: this man who she loved more than anything, she was now hating him beyond the imaginable. He betrayed her trust, he destroyed her.   
"Al, you're losing control, warned the third one. If you don't compose yourself fast, she's going to escape!"
"I...I know, stuttered Al, who was confused by the powerful look his victim addressed him."

In her eyes, he could not only read an endless sadness but also a disregard that was beyond all limits. She hated him. What was he doing? By obeying to these orders that he had ignored for a long time, he was ruining his whole life. All traces of self esteem would be gone, now that he was going to do This. And guilt would certainly be  his compagnion for the years to  come after This. But he was also saving his familly from the danger that some upset steelheads might cause.

« Al, grunted the other man with a threatenning intonation. She's going to regain some control. »

No, she would not. She was not going to escape, nor was she trying to regain some control. He could see it in her eyes. She knew these were her last minutes, and she was not even attempting to resist anymore. Why would she ? He could see how much he had destroyed her. She had no reason to live after this betrayal.

Helloooo ! So this is the translation of the prologue ! I'm french so there may be some small mistakes :)

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