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1: Only my close friends know that, if you don't know me that well, just call me Temp

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1: Only my close friends know that, if you don't know me that well, just call me Temp.

2: I love writing stories, drawing, acting, singing (though I'm not that good lol), dancing, swimming, and I love playing badminton.

3: There is so many songs I love but I really love Monster by Kira, Again remix by Kira, Echo (original and the remix) by Circus-P and The Living Tombstone, and many others, it's so hard to pick one song XD


5: Yes, biggest dreams right now are to finish college with good grades, hopefully move somewhere nice and a safe enough place to raise a family, and meet two people who I've met online who I hold close to my heart

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5: Yes, biggest dreams right now are to finish college with good grades, hopefully move somewhere nice and a safe enough place to raise a family, and meet two people who I've met online who I hold close to my heart.

6: Nope, haven't been sleeping well for awhile now

7: Um, I have a friend group but I only have about five really good friends

8: Hell no

9: Favorite subject is art, I absolutely love art

10: Im from......Earth

11: Eh...not really to be honest, I do like playing badminton though.

12: Yeah, I'd consider myself healthy, I always try to exercise when I can and try to watch what I eat.

13: Uh, I don't know, how much do I cost?

14: Yup, I love Gumi and all her vocaloid music.

15: Yup, three of them.

16: Yes, I believe that I can draw, no matter what anyone else may say.

17: Three

18: That's a secret 😉

19: That's also a secret 😉

20: I uh, I don't know to be honest lol XD

So, yeah, I was tagged again, but I'm not tagging anyone else because I know some people hate being tagged.

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