the path to true love never runs smoothly

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as jaccob spun lola across the ballroom she dipped her head back gazing at the glittering christmass decartions however not even they could make her smile not when she knew that her true love was about to marry princess lucy 

lola had always knew that this day would come only she never expected it to happen two days before christmass day nevertheless lola was lucky enough to be friends with levi and she got to attend many parties wear gorgoues ballgowns and eat delichous food none of that she cooked

tonight was extra special as it was levi birthday and lola always thought levi looked dashing in his royal attire and it was as if he was a mind reader as in that exsact moment he stolled straight over to her ''sorry to disturbe your moment but may i have a dance with my best friend'' ''who would i be to refuse a prince'' lola beamed at levi who had already swayed her into the center of the room

next they danced around the christmass tree dancing a quickstep as they danced lola whisperd to him ''i dont think ive ever seen you this happy'' ''well all my favorite people are in the room so thats a reason to smile '' 

levi twirled lola out of his arms pulling her striaght back and as he smiled down at her a twinkle apperd in his eyes looking into his eyes made her feel like she was a princess in a fairytale

one she dint ever want to escape from next he dipped her into his arms but this time as lola smiled back at him levi also whisperd some good news into her ear lola stood up spun away and stood next to lavander who was levi sister but also the cloest thing lucy had to a sister

''isnt the room fabulous tonight and that goes for you as well'' ''your so kind and yes the room looks like something out of a book''suddly lucy dropped a tray of empity champain glass in her arms then she pushed her out of the door as millons of champain glassess clatterd to the floor lucy spoke very loudly ''i think you should return back to the kitchen cindrella''

lucy sind remark made all the guest chuckle

lola quickly picked up the pecies and ran down the corridor lola picked up her dress left the room and ran outside snow flakes fell onto her cheeks ''lola whatever are you doing outside'' ''thinking'' jaccob walked over to her ''cant you think in the warm'' ''not really as it seems everywere i go their reminders of things'' lola wiped away more tears

jaccob wraped his jacket around her sholders ''would this thing be your feelings for him do not worry im not going to tell the princess or levi im just going to stand here while you rant as i belive your feelings for him may have slightly changed what with the pregency'' ''i have known all along that levi would wed a princess and they would have a family yet i figured it woulnt happen just yet'' lola let out a hevey sigh

''the path to true love never did run smoothtly'' ''levi and i are more than just friends well at least i thought we were but i guess one kiss with a prince dosent always mean your going to live happly ever after with him'' lola plucked the petals of a white rose ''cheer up lola one day your prince will come''

all of a sudden lola kissed jaccob jaccob kissed her back after her kiss with the prince lola was feeling as giddy as a kid on christmasss day making her skip back to the kitchen however she was quite surprised to see prince levi standing their in all his royal glory

''id really like it if you joied me as i cannot listen to lucy talking about baby names for much longer''

all of a sudden lola remberd the glem in his eyes while lucy was talking and it made her cross her arms ''you seemed to be quite content with your fiance when she was calling me names'' ''i was talking to my farther i dint hear her but my sister did hence why im here

levi had a way with words that made her smile then she and him descended upstairs down the corridor back into the ballroom

suddly gasped filled the room and everyone starred at them ''i shoulnt be up here'' ''get used to it as the day im king you will be up here every day not just on special occasions'' levi smiled at lola lola smiled back and then one of the waitress smiled at lola ''the prince jaccob asked me to give you this''

lola opend the envlope and saw it was infact a invation to a christmass ball that was happing this evening

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