Phan RP

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She's Dan, I'm Phil.

D:The group laughed, shoving a kid against the locker roughly. Dan felt like everyone could tell how fake his smile was. He was there...he couldn't stop it.

"Hey Howell, this kid was standing in front of my locker. What should we do to teach him not to do it again?"

Dan pushed his hands in his black skinny jeans, walking forward casually like he had all the time in the world.

"Dunno." He could feel the everyone watching him and he knew he had to do something. The boy looked like a freshman, and he looked afraid, "does anyone have a sharpie?"

He's stepped back, looking at the kid with eyes he hoped conveyed how much he regretted what he just said.

He stood back and watched his "friends" write -takes up space- on the kids forehead. Dan looked around, not wanting to watch anymore. his eyes suddenly met intense blue ones from a boy across the hall...

P:Phil sighed quietly as he watched the scene play out before his eyes, knowing he couldn't do anything and it would only make it worse for both him and the unknown boy. Phil walked over once the group of popular kids walked away, speaking the the frightened boy a bit in an attempt to calm him before leading him to the bathroom. He pulled out a solution from his bag and poured some of it on a paper towel, carefully scrubbing the sharpie off of the boys forehead, the words disappearing after a few moments

D:Dan watched the boy with the blue eyes lead the other boy away. He pretended to be looking through his locker, when they went past him to go to the bathroom.

"Oi, howell! History next."

His friend pushed him, laughing when he pushed him off.

"I'm coming, save a good seat for me you twat."

P:Phil cleaned up his forehead before tossing the dirty towel away, speaking to him a bit more, learning the boys name, deciding he would hang out with him at lunch since he seemed pretty cool. He watched the other boy leave before putting his stuff in his bag .

D:Dan sat through history, bored and thinking about the incident in the hallway. Who was that boy who helped sharpie boy? He felt bad about what happened but hey it was school. It was rough. Dan couldn't get his piercing blue eyes out of his mind thought out the whole lesson.

P:Phil sighed, going to his locker to grab his books, finding it to be covered in sharpie, reading 'fag', 'gay', 'loser', and other things along those lines along with a few pictures of dicks. He bit his lip, pulling the solution out and a spare towel, starting to scrub the sharpie off

D:Dan walked out if his class just in time to see the same boy wiping something off his locker. His mouth set in hard line when he read a few things written on there.

"Like my artwork howell? That kid should know not to make friends with the wrong people."

Dan just glanced at him, no expression, then turned to walk away.

"What's your problem man?" The guy snapped, the question echoing down the hall so everyone could hear.

P:Phil wiped off the rest of the drawings, having been used to this he didn't really care anymore, tossing his things in his locker and closed it, checking the time on his phone, "3...2..1..." he muttered to himself before turning around to be shoved against his locker by the school bully

D:"Phil right?" The bully leaned in close. Dan froze, and turned around. He made a mental note that his name was phil. He couldn't leave now. He stood to the side, his arms crossed, eyes downcast.

Phan Rp with PhanoftheheartWhere stories live. Discover now