Untitled Part 20

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Still in shinichi's room..

Conan pov.

I woke up to a flash of something.. I had only opened my eyes when two hand slipped around me and pulled me from my warmed spot..

"Mmm" (^~^). I whined trying to wiggle free. I was having trouble getting my eyes open and my awareness seems to still be asleep.

I felt Warm round thing's around me. I finally got my eyes open and found my moms face and her chest were so warm.. my mine must be bough.

"Shin is so cute and small.. but that's not right is it.." mom said rocking me back and forth.

Kaito pov. A few minutes before.

I opened my eyes to the sound of the door being nocked on.. I looked at Shi.. imp mean Conan.. but she was smaller.. Smaller!

She now was about the size and age of a four or five year old but was amazing cute..

The nock came again so I moved quickly and quietly out of the room and downstairs. I opened the front door and found mr. and Mis. Kudo.. 

"How is my baby... I hope she isn't getting in to too much trouble.." Yukiko said pushing past me and throwing her coat on the coat rack in the hallway.

"Fine.. I need to go talk to Ai.. will be right back.." I said leaving to next door.

"Please be home.." I said nocking on the door of agasa's house.

"Oh.. Kaito.. what's wrong." Ai answers the door.. thank god.

"Shin's smaller now.." I said and Ai just looks at me.. like dah she is smaller. "No.. I mean she is smaller then before.. she's like four or younger." I said now explaining.

Ai grabbed her small bag and ran back to kudos house and I fallowed forgetting that shinichis parents are home.

When we get to the bedroom shin's mom is holding and cuddling with little shin.

"She's so cute.. and so little.. almost like when me had to go and chase you down the day you said I have business with the mayor and ended up in another murder seen." Yukiko said to her husband.

Wow.. she looks so peaceful in her arms and smaller.. she looks four years old or less.

"May I see shin for a few moments just to make some note.. if she continues to shrink.. then she might not be able to return to her original self.." Ai said moving up to Yukiko.

"If she has to live as a little girl again then At least she'll be in good hand when I'm not here.." Yukiko said winking at me then with concern looked at Ai, " though I think she rather be seventeen then four.."

Ai chuckles then looks over shin while Yukiko held her sleeping form.

~~~~~read you later~~~~~

Sorry for the short chapter I'm trying to get ready for some of my other stories and we are so far in this one.. I also have a book block... I have a ending but the middle is wonky.. is I'll need to fix some parts. The next chapter should be longer..

Goodbye chaarydaughter  

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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Shinchi and her power (kaishin)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz