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oh shit.

"dad I beg you please call me in sick or something I'll do all the damn chores please I'm not ready!" yoongi begged, his lips forming a pout. there yoongi was, in his dads car, probably only a few minutes away from school, and yoongi was a hot mess.

"son, you said you'd be fine, plus we're gonna be there in 2 minutes what's the point of turning back now? just calm down, big deep breath in—" mr. min instructed, inhaling some fresh air making yoongi follow along. "—then let it all out." he spoke, exhaling. yoongi did as told. "feel better?" yoongi looked at his lap, obviously shaking, but nodded. he wasn't lying, he felt a lot better and was much quieter but he still had some fear in his small body.

"okay, thank you da—"

"and we're here! Have a fun day at school kiddo, pick you up later bye papa loves you!"

"wait wh-" yoongi turned, and saw a huge fucking building right in front of him. in big bold words, at the top of the school it said 'CONVERSE HIGH.' yoongi was about to say something, before his dad kicked his leg, hinting for him to move along. slowly, yoongi got out of the car, looking and staring at everyone. swallowing a lump in his throat, yoongi adjusted his backpack, and began his way to the schools front doors. he can feel peoples stares, burning bullets through him. his hand slowly crawled to his shoulder, and squeezed it for support.

"woah, look at that, a new kid! haven't had one of those in a while huh?" he heard a laugh, coming from behind him. yoongi refused to turn back and look at who were talking about him, very loudly actually, he didn't want to upset them if he did. all he knew above the stranger was that it was high pitched, warm voice. he suspected it was a male.

not wanting to hear more of their conversation, yoongi quickly took off, running up the stairs and entering the school. and holy fuck was he lost. this school was huge, much larger than his previous one. he tried looking around. no clue. he seemed like an idiot, he was shaking, alone and lost. "ugh, of course. do they really expect me to memorize all of these halls and roo—AH!" yoongi yelped out of surprise, feeling a piece of paper smacked onto his back. turning to his side, he saw a boy with brunette coconut hair, holding a blue pen with another boy next to him with pink pastel hair, hearing once again, that same warm, high pitched but loud voice. "wow kookie." he could hear faintly, seeing the pink haired boy smacking his friend.

the short, pale boy looked over and saw a note stuck to his backpack. yoongi pouted, letting put a frustrated sigh. "fuckin' jerks..." he quickly grabbed the note from his back, taking a quick look at the piece of paper. it had the same blue ink as the coconut boy's pen. 'the office for you to get your papers is down the hall to your left.' it read.

yoongi was confused at first, and hell even flipped the paper to see if there was any other text. but there was nothing. swallowing a lump in his throat, yoongi decided to trust this random stranger and went ahead to find the office. he looked to his left, and followed down that hall. he looked around in awe, there were many many beautiful art pieces hanging up around school. yoongi saw many signatures. jackson wang...byun baekhyun...lee taemin... jung jinsoul...etc. after some time of admiring the works, yoongi mentally slapped himself and began to work on his main task.

soon, after about 2 minutes he found himself at the office and got his papers and schedule. however, before yoongi was allowed to go and leave for his first period, the teacher gave yoongi, pretty much a student guide, kim namjoon. "hi, you must be the new kid I've heard about. im part of the student council team here, if you need anything or have any questions, don't be afraid to come and look for me." he winked, showing off a smile, that had very, pretty beautiful dimples. "uh yes, my name is min yoongi." yoongi greeted with a smile. "nice to meet you yoongi. my name is kim namjoon, but you probably already knew that due to the teachers. and apparently we have the same lunch schedule, wanna sit with me and my boys? theyre lots of fun!" yoongi thought about it for a moment, and then nodded lightly. "yeah, itd be nice to get some friends on my first day here." namjoon let out a small chuckle then pushed yoongi lightly on the shoulder. "great! cant wait to meet you at lunch." the smaller one nodded, then turned around to go to his first period, history.

when yoongi opened the door, there he saw, coconut boy and his little friend pink.

so uh yall i have some lovely bts fanart but the majority is like yoongi ships rip
do yall want to see a book for them?? called doodles or something?? I might share nsfw sketches from time to time but like, only half of it bc I'm scared of the internet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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