He has changed

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It has been over 3 years since I last saw him, and to say I am nervous is a major understatement. I am now 19 years old and one of the strongest Zadic there is. Well besides Zac, who is honestly tied for the top spot with me. According to Trixie there are a lot of similar strengths we share, but there are also a lot of places where the other is stronger in. Which in return gives the other the extra "points", we'll call them, that ties us for the top.

During these past years I have gotten stronger than I have ever been. My reflexes are better than a cats and my senses are so heighten they have gotten to the point that I can hear my enemies heart beat so I can find their location. While also see even the slightest of motion from miles away, not to mention I've started to work on seeing in the dark like a cat (didn't know we could do that but it's cool as hell). I can also feel vibrations with my hands if I put them against a wall or the ground/floor. While I have been working on my senses, Zac has been working mainly on his strength over these years. He is the strongest, but in the strength is not where victory lies. You also need to be quick and cunning as well as strong.

He on many occasions has tried to get me to go out with him, but he is so stuck up. Always prattling on about himself and how he is gonna be the next legend like Zadic. I made it clear last time he asked how I feel about him. Ever since he has made a vow to win the title of the greatest Zadic of our year. Though I have confidence in myself, I will admit that he is a formitable adversary

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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