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Once you and Noodle had got back from hanging out, you both had talked for a little before you had fell asleep. You don't remember much but it was still there.
"It's not real"
You say as you sit on the edge of a cliff. With the grass being red.
"It's not real"
You say as you look over to a waterfall that was pink. The beautiful water rushing into the wide, mysterious pink sea.
"It's not real"
You say as the waterfall stops. The more you look it starts to freeze up and break. Its confusing you at first but, then it just broke apart. The wonderous pink water is now broken.
"It's...not real"
You say as you jump off the cliff.
Everything goes black.

You wake up.

"...what the hell kind of dream was that?" you say as you lay there in your thoughts, trying to comprehend what happened in the dream- well, if you could call it a dream, and see if it makes sense.
Yeah I don't know. Wasn't nothing anyhow" you shrug as you get up and check your phone to see 2 messages from noodle.

Nod🍜 message 1: 'this is for when you wake up, but, you had fell asleep on the drive here and almost crashed the car so I had to drive you back home myself'
Nod🍜 message 2: 'you're welcome for me saving our lives by the way'

You chuckle to yourself and text back 'sorry but thanks. Also i didn't ask you to save our lives.' the last part was a joke though, you just wanted to see- read her reaction.

You put your phone down and start to get ready to hang out with noodle.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Noodle honked her car horn, noting that she's there.

"...Fuck she came too early"
You get up and rush to put some clothes on.

"This....this will just have to do." you said as you ran outside and hoped into noodles car. Once you did she looked surprised at what you had on. "Wow"
You groan a little, laughing. "What I just wanted to try something different. It is the weekend and I do have "cute" clothes. Plus you can't be the only one looking like you shop at Gucci all the time.". She laughed. "I mean, I am apart of a famous band." "yeah yeah, you always tell me about this band of yours but never let me see any of the members. Why?"
"Tsssssssssss- nevermind they're fake" she said as she started to drive off
_ _ _

Soon you guys arrived at a walk way after having gotten out of the car 10 minutes ago.
"Have you ever thought of burning a bank down?"
You look at noodle confused but not surprised. "Noodle, I have heard a lot of crazy shit from you, and this is the least crazy of the shits, but no i have not. What concept makes you think this?"
" is the root of all evil so why not burn it? It could be a concept video"
You stop walking and face noodle. "That- that's actually a smart idea what the fuck- why not tell your so said band about this? They might like it" you catch up with noodle.
She laughs. "Aha I wish I could but there's a lot of stuff going on with my brother going through this phase, my dad coming out of jail, and my other dad just done with everything"
You both laugh. "Wow that's a big, big, thing you got going on with your band huh?"
"T I've already told you why you can't see them right now"
"Yeah yeah cause your gay dads and stuff and all that-"
"Um no- well maybe one gay but not the other. That's a raging bisexual. And my brother im not too sure about."
You chuckle "can I at least see a picture of them??"
"Fine fine" she stops and so do you while she pulls out her phone and shows you a picture of 2D, Russel, Murdoc, and herself.
"This is what you've been hiding from me?? The one with the blue hair looks so adorable. I officially want to hug him.". She laughs. "Yeah his name is 2D and even though he might seem dumb he does have sense in that brain of his." "but that smile is capturing me. We will Stan 2D-" "Stan?" "oh! Like you really support or like a person! Not like that like but a different context" "Ohhhh, Ok well I Stan you" she says being 'smart'. You ignore what she said and look at the picture more. "Who is the green pickle looking dude?" she laughs. "That's Murdoc. He's a real ladies man and I don't know how.". "Wow seriously?" "Yeeeep" "I bet he's raging bisexual". You both exchange a laugh. "I also want to hug the black dude. What's his name?". "That's Russel!". "ohmygod Russel I will seriously love you he looks like a big papa bear. But onto you so we can leave, you seriously look like a top here and I am laughing on the inside because of it". Noodle scoofs, jokingly though. "Because I am. I can switch for you though" she says jokingly but kinda of meant it. "Noodle you keep pushing that button and I promise it will happen.". You continue to walk. Noodle as well walks too. "What about right now?" "Noodle shut up and listen to a weird ass dream that I had that im going to explain"
She laughs.
"Ok ok, but lets get to this muffin shop first"
Ok the next chapter there will be more talking but that's the last chapter with talking lmao sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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