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You were in a theater you felt hungry while waiting for the movie to start but sadly the movie starts at 2 said..."whew!this is taking so looong I should get a snack"you walked out of the movie and standed at a long line to get popcorn you waited for 30 minutes to get your order there was a hot guy you stared at him not noticing that he was saying "miss,miss!" You said"oh sorry!!i was thinking of something "he said"it's ok,now what is your order?" You"I'll have a cheesy popcorn please!"he said"ok ma'am!"as you took your order and go to your seat you forgot to get a drink but suddenly you felt a paper on the side of your popcorn...the note says"hey cutie here's my number ********* and by the way! My name is Michael!chat me when your done with the movie I'm on my lunch break right now...
Well chat me if ur done with the movie!"then the movie starts and you watch it...1 hour later the movie is done and It's already night time you chatted Michael and said"hey! I'm done with the movie!where should we meet???"he replied"outside of the theater cutie☺️"you blushed😊 and thought*why would a guy like him have a crush on me?*then you rushed to meet him outside the theater

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