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willne: good morning

imallexx: morning 

joshy: ello

James Marriott: good morning to you too

willne: BOOMER

joshy: ...

James Marriott: wow

 imallexx: you done did os there will

joshy: anyone heard from George?

imallex: doesn't he have that math test today?

joshy: yeah

James Marriott: he's probably preparing then I'll look out for him

joshy: lets hope so

imallex: James can i get a ride to school my bike's chain broke yesterday

James Marriott: sure but hurry I'm on my way now

willne: you guys doing anything after?

James Marriott: i have band

imallexx: i have practise with George maybe after? 

willne: sure im down

James Marriott: I'm on

willne: see you guys on the square then 

2:00 pm

James Marriott: George didn't show up to the test and he didn't answer my text

willne: i have break now should i go by his house?

joshy: Nah he probably just skipping again ill stop by after school if he doesn't show up at practice 

willne: okay

5:00 pm

imallexx: George was at practice we'll meet you guys at the square  

willne: he's such a boomer 

memeulous: im not, you are older than me will

willne: ok boomer

memeulous: ...

am i boring you?

come with some requests, im not creative and don't know where this is going

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