Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV

She's pretty shaken up, but she's taken a liking to Hobi hyung. Then again who doesn't? Yoongi hyung seems surprisingly calm, but I think it's just a front he's putting on for us.

I don't think any of us are going to sleep well tonight. Especially not Jin hyung.

I wonder what her name is. Maybe we should give her a new name.

"Yona." I accidentally blurt out. Everyone turned to look at me, confusion was written on their faces.

"What?" Yoongi's face was scrunched in confusion. "I-I, we should call her Yona. I mean unless anyone else has an idea, I just thought it was pretty."

"It's perfect baby, I think Yona is perfect." I turned to Hobi to see his bright smile.

Everyone nodded in agreement and I smiled big. "so who's name is she taking?" I heard Jin hyung ask.

"I think she should take Yoongi hyung's name since me and Hobi hyung agreed we were gonna take his name and she seems pretty attached to Hobi hyung."

"Okay, Min Yona, I like it." Jungkook said. "Me to." Tae said. Everyone else just nodded in agreement.

Yona started crying again and kept saying "Eat, Eat." So Jin hyung decided to get some food for her.

She had all of her teeth but Jin hyung didn't want to take any chances so he crushed up her food small for her.

She was really hungry and ate the whole plate of food. We didn't have a sippy-cup or bottle so Jin hyung carefully held a regular cup while she drank some milk since we assumed the water was most likely contaminated.

"Dada? Mama?" I felt horrible, she doesn't understand, she'll forget enventually.

I hope.

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