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                 In the year 2054, the world collided in war. Everywhere on the planet was permanently changed by nuclear bombs and mass destruction. Almost no one survived.

                Those who had escaped death were also transformed. The radiation affected their bodies so drastically that they barely appeared to be human. The mutated people now roam the planet in groups, hunting down and eliminating all forms of life. They are called the Mortiferis, the “destroyers”.

                Yet they are not the only transmuted humans. There is another group, one that managed to hide in an underground bunker to escape the world that had been falling apart around them. Although they are not completely unscathed; the radiation affected them, too, but instead of turning them into grotesque Mortiferis, it strengthened them.

                They call themselves Phoenix, for they have risen out of the ashes of what they once called home and turned their faces to the sun. They have returned to take back their Earth.

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