Writing Prompt #1

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Write A Letter To Your 14 Year Old Self

Dear Jasmine,

First, let me empathize that you really have failed yourself at times. While you were incredibly strong and ridiculously stubborn, you were utterly and completely alone and that is no ones fault but your own. You closed yourself off to so much of this world and because of that, missed out on all the things that are wondrous and beautiful. I don't mean to be cruel but if you can't be honest with yourself then who can you be honest with? You've allowed your past to inch its way into your soul and blacken it, you've allowed all the bad to corrupt your good and now, you struggle with your own heart.
You've allowed love to slip through your hands countless times and allowed family to disappear from your life due to your lack of consideration. You've allowed the pain of an abusive childhood and harassed adolescence to forge a wicked adult. You've allowed yourself to become all that you hated and you didn't care for so long because you couldn't feel. You lost the ability to look someone in the eye and mean it when you said that you cared. You lost the strength to fight back the demons of your depression and tried to drive off that bridge that cold winter night simply because the tears wouldn't stop.
You've allowed your sickly mother to worry and fret because you couldn't let go of the fact that she just was never truly a mother, just someone who gave birth to you despite how much she's tried to do better in her later years. You've cast aside any man that's tried to heal those broken wings of yours and in returned, slashed their own with your toxic claws. You've disappointed yourself so many times by failing to follow through with anything you've set your mind to. Dropping out of school countless times, lying through your teeth with no hesitation.
You became the nightmare that you've once feared and you had no one but yourself to blame.

But Jasmine, you needed to hit this craggy rock bottom and you needed to suffer and break because without all that torment, you wouldn't have been able to walk into the session and cry for help. You wouldn't have been able to stand on your own two feet and refuse to crumble again. You wouldn't have been able put the drink down that you cradled like a crutch and release the choked up breath you've held in your chest. You wouldn't have been able to love yourself and while you still don't know how to love someone else, it's a damn good start.

Jasmine, you've disappointed yourself so many times but still you survived it all. You live and breathe everyday, you're making it and while life may not be perfect, it's not the shit storm it was determined to be. So little Jazz, it'll be okay, because all that hurting that little teenage heart is going through right now, all the callous and vile words that the man who helped create you throws your way is the cement that you pave your life with and while the road is long and arduous, it isn't all bad.

You will make it Jazz and it's beautiful.


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