chapter one

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What do you call a girl who cannot feel comfortable in her own freaking skin? Maybe a coward? No, not quite that. Insane? Not really, most of the female population would have been called insane if that was true. A pathetic excuse for a human? almost, that almost fits. Or maybe just misunderstood. Nobody knows what bulimic girls feel everyday, the emotional pain takes up the most part but there's physical pain too. After all they have to go through agonizing pain while they shove their fingers down their throats and empty their stomach of it's contents . Just pain. Pain, everyday and every second. With no possible escape. Just try to understand, for once. Perceive what we perceive and try to at least feel what we feel.

"Cause baby I could build a house out of all the bricks they threw at me."

I've never really thought about hurting myself, also never given much thought to the people who do. I've always assumed that maybe they were mentally unstable people who need to be locked up somewhere so their mental/eating disorders wouldn't rub off on other innocent people. But oh god I was wrong, I was so wrong. And karma aimed at me like an archer aiming at it's prey.

The clock said 7:50 which means I was late for school and which most definitely means that class had already started. After all it's Monday, and it's the second day of my junior year so you couldn't really blame me. I parked my brand new Audi at the parking lot and hurried into the school building almost tripping over due to my unmade shoe lace. I barged into class forgetting to knock. oh shit, I thought. I Forgot I had Mr Milestone first period on Monday. I always did. Old habits die hard, I thought. You see, Mr Milestone, the old man as I prefer to call him, was a discipline freak. He believed that kids should always knock before entering anywhere, always be excused before walking away, and always, always asking for permission before talking.

"Miss Veronica Hall, also called as Ronnie, you are twenty minutes late for class and you also walked into class without locking therefore you have got yourself detention on the second day of school." The old man said.

"But I-" I tried to explain that it was just the second day of school and I wasn't really used to waking up this early after i had spent three months sleeping till 3:00 PM but the old bastard cut me off.

"Now you may sit down." I rolled my eyes and walked to my seat while I saw the old man shooting me a glare from the corner of my eye.

"Today we're gonna talk about eating disorders, mostly known as anorexia and bulimia. Sufferers are usually 12 year old and up but still, anybody could be a victim to eating disorders." I sighed as I felt my eyelids closing. Don't fall asleep, I repeat DON'T FALL ASLEEP. But it's still 8:00 AM and I'm not used to be up this early. I thought to myself, hoping my subconscious would shut the freaking hell up and let me get some good twenty minutes of sleep and fortunately it had worked.

"Miss Hall! MISS HALL YOU WAKE UP THIS INSTANT OR YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE DETENTION FOR TWO DAYS IN A ROW!" The Old man woke me up, startled. I stared up at him, wiping drool off my chin. "Next time, go to bed early or you're not going to like what's going to happen if you fall asleep one more time in my class." The Old man spoke, quite strictly. Gee, what was up with this man. Looks like someone haven't masturbated in a very long time.

I tried to fix my appearance as much as I could because I most probably look like a trash can right now. Scratch that, I've already passed the trash can bridge. Gosh I really hate this place. Filled with stuck up, ignorant bitches. "If the person is anorexic, they starve themselves to the point where they can't breathe and blood doesn't get to the brain and they eventually faint." Spoke the Old man clearly.

"But if the person is bulimic then they starve themselves and then binge eat and then shove their fingers down their throat to get the food out of their system." Gosh I hated this place and I was dreading to get out of here at any cost. I hated this man and I hated what he was saying. Health classes sucked anyways.

I heard the bell rang as I gathered my things quickly, I was really really hungry so I grabbed an apple and walked down the hall on my way to my next class. I was just finishing my apple ready to throw it in the trash can but a voice stopped me.

"Well, well. Look what we have here. It's little miss Veronicow." I turned around knowing whose voice it is almost instantly. It was Brianna Mills a.k.a this school's biggest bitch who spread her legs for anyone who promised her something she wants. I cringed at the nickname she just gave me and I saw her half smile in satisfaction.

"Look who's talking Briannawhore." I admit that I was never good with comebacks, therefore I never liked confrontations for the sake of whatever dignity I had left since last year's prank.

"You know, I actually though you would listen to my advice and stop eating so much if you still wanna look good after what happened last year."

"Look, I really don-" She cut me off. Fuck them people for always cutting me off.

"Just watch that pretty weight of yours or people are gonna start talking like they did last year, Veronicow." And with that, she turned around and walked to wherever the hell she was going. Gosh I hated her, and I hope she rots in hell.

What's wrong with my weight? I thought to myself. I was on a very healthy diet right now, so why would she say that? Probably just wants to play one of her sick minded games and fuck with your feelings. Yeah, she probably does. I was fine and my weight is healthy. Or at least that's what I thought.

Awful, awful, awful. I'm so sorry guys that this is the update you get after nine months of not updating. I'm actually thinking of deleting this since I don't have time for writing. Tell me what you think below please & I promise next chapter will be better.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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