2- The Shoe Drops

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Once we're situated in his office he folds his hands and smiles gently.

"The biggest problem Kit's instructors have noticed is that she has no close friends. Is Kit welcome to have other students to your house or to visit theirs?"

As much as I want to snap at him for such a ridiculous question, I rein myself in. Without openly stating our family affiliation, it's possible Kit is a dark horse - someone a family wants to grow up to do the dirty work without acknowledgment which means access to her home could be a problem.

"She is welcome to have visitors. We're staying on the Verfain estate and I'm sure you know our host is an alumni of this institution. She has encouraged Kit to bring friends, as have I. It is Kit who does not seem to have anyone she wishes to invite."

Callingswood hums in thought. "She's still in tutoring to catch up in terms of magical application so she hasn't been able to participate in club activities. Her teachers have been placing her in groups with friendly students but they seem reluctant to befriend her."

That catches my attention. "Has Kit done something to warrant this reluctance? Is she in a quarrel with another student that they don't want to be involved in or has she been marked as weak?"

I see the glint in his eye and realize this is what he wanted to talk about to begin with. He leans forward slightly and drops his voice.

"I believe Kit is not at fault and possibly completely unaware of any such problems."

I narrow my eyes. "She's unaware but that doesn't mean they aren't happening."

He nods slowly.  "A few of our students have made it clear they believe she is... unprepared for the expectations the school has for it's students."

"Because she's in remedial magic classes they don't think she's worthy of Ravenswood." I state it plainly and he winces.

"I wouldn't put it quite like that, but yes."

The only reason he wouldn't say that is because he has to please the powerful families the bratty children belong to. I don't.

"So, what do you propose we do about this? I can assure you that Kit has inherited our families magic but I have been lax in her practical application, which we are now rectifying."

Callingswood nods and I can tell he's humoring me slightly. He wouldn't disagree with any parent or guardian of a student on the topic of power.

"I'm afraid there isn't much we can do about it until Kit has developed practical skills. Then she can demonstrate her magic by joining a club or hosting a demonstration, perhaps of a rare magic?"

I shake my head. "She's progressing quickly but there's no way she can wait that long." I pause and order my thoughts. "Did you know I attended Starcrest?"

He shakes his head.

"I thought not. You may be curious why Kit is not also at that academy." Though he looks uninterested, he so is. "Well, like Kit I didn't demonstrate my power publicly and was socially outcast, not that I truly wished to associate with most of my fellow students."

He seems to get where this is going before I continue. "I do not wish Kit to repeat my mistakes. Otherwise, what was the point of them? That being said, Kit cannot wait until public opinion is settled. There's no coming back from that."

He nods. "I understand your stance but I don't know of a way to do that without her completing basic training first."

"Then why did you tell me this now?" I narrow my eyes at him.

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