Picture of the past

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A faded brown picture

laying on the desk

waiting to be picked up

looked at, but it stays to rest

I see this old picture

with secrets of it's own

those have never been  revealed

left all alone

I pick it up, this picture

loom at the lady, frown

though she stands all serious

she holds a secret which needs to be found

Picture of the past

faded in my hand

secret holding beauty

waiting for her...

I know the secret of this picture

she's over there to mourn

she has lost a husband

and a son just born

Oh, I feel grief for this picture

and as tears start to fall

the picture starts to smile

and becomes the fairest of all

(I wrote this poem because of the new cover, made by @anneloesj12. she's great at making covers. The picture I'm talking about is the picture on the cover. please chek it out.

and don't forget:





My poetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora