A peculiar taste

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So time is 1.21 am.
And today is September 27th of 2019.
Im Bhargavi. V
       I have watched twilight hunters movie and twilight breaking dawn movie parts especially the fight Bella made up to save Edward and I just shared those videos to my friends. I was exclaiming with panic about the various set of sounds I'm hearing right now. And these sounds do amuse me, frighten me a lot. The crickets I suppose or so far i know the frogs are calling for their mates. And for a fact this crackling sound is annoying me a lot. Now it's been a rainy week , climate is cool than i've thought. Still in this dark night i could see smog is covered everywhere. The stars are scattered with a slight sigh amongst the clouds. It may rain again. It seems so. The power of Earthly lights is reflected through these night clouds and it's white in color now to my eyes. Extraordinary. Here comes the favourite part of this night.
     My nostrils suddenly reflexed for a stimulus with an extra sensory perception. I'm sniffing now like a dog! Like I could suck all the beautiful smell in one inhale. I can't even get the words to explain how I feel now actually. Because my hands are shivering too. I was frightened of bats an hour before, then I asked some flying bats to bite me and to turn me out into a vampire. Now I'm starving because of this new smell. My nose is tired of smelling this scent. The last time I smelled this same scent on my birthday night on 25th November, 2017, a special one. I was flying in a plane from Pune to Bangalore and then time was exactly 11.45 to 12.50. I smelled the hot pancakes everywhere in that plane. I realized it's not my stomach that longed for the smell. This is my heart that trembled so deep to inhale this smell. I can feel the same thing right now in my upstairs. I was guessing like an idiot, that someone is cooking now, may be SIPCOT's smoke reached my home, may be the groundnut oil mill is leaking. I don't know what's happening now inside me. This is ridiculous, because I'm writing this prose piece only to exclaim I love this smell. All through my life, I used to get addicted to more smells, but this one is pathetic and driving me mad. Now my nose is stuck with the snowy smog, climate has got my throat, croaking sounds got my ears but my heart is longing for a space to sniff the smell and to hoard it forever inside it. So there will be no answer for me tonight, from where is this smell comes?.. Amidst of all this,
       Wow ! It's stoped, the annoying sound.  I can say the wind is breathing now. The peaceful world is glowing with an ornamental sound of creepy creatures all over my street. I hope I should bow to the King of this time, The Night. Every colour of this world is under his control, yes! Everything is dark. The scene reminds me of Pandemonium, the abode of Lucifer where God's good angels are trying to evade the evil darkness with pretty lights. Ha! Now the peacocks, I hope they are also busy now as the climate is suitable for their mindset. Hope you guys have fun. But keep in mind I'm planning to become a saint. Don't try to tempt me in affairs because I'm not comfortable with it at all. The smell is getting all my nerves. This is just a drug to me. Too much of anything is a trash. May be I'm getting a headache now. The scent spents all my energy and running on my nerves. I forgot to mention my special vampire lovers of this night. I got 17 lumps on my skin, especially 8 in my legs.

       Absolutely Mosquitoes! The buzzing sound shook me off, if I happened to stand in a single place. Anyhow they are having a feast of B+ve tonight. Dreams are a lot to say. I wish I could create a palace right now and rule like a real magical queen. Or I wish I may have a spaceship and I can go anywhere I please to go like with my scooter. So the future is uncertain, I can't predict the exact way it is going to happen tomorrow. But the real thing is I love me and my peculiar tastes. I think I have to get to sleep now. Thank you . good night. With love ,
          👑Bhargavi manthra, Queen of Mathila Samraj.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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