The Angels Family

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There once lived a small family, by a name that became ironic upon their deaths, The Angels. They were one of the first who settled in the town were just like the others who lived in the settlement, albeit slightly off.

They helped feed the townsfolk by growing crops and raising animals, helped greet newcomers to their small settlement and even built several of the important buildings in the town center, but, as the saying goes, nothing stays the same forever.

It was hard to spot at first but gradually, over many years, the townsfolk grew weary of the Angels Family as they noticed something off about the family of six.

The family never stopped helping, no, but their smiles grew to look forced, their kind and welcoming words become hollow even in the happiest of voices and their shining eyes went dull without a hint of light amongst them.

It started with Alan but gradually, over the time in which the children aged to teens and adults, even the youngest of the family began to look dead in the eyes, like a darkness had engulfed the family over the years and that it was more than just skin deep. As if something wormed it's way into their souls and broken it into several pieces.

The crops from the farm came to a halt but a day after the mayor spotted Alan Angels dragging a bag to the new silo, the bag leaking something wet that shined in the lantern light. It was the day after when the youngest of the five children was found missing from her school lesson.

Over the next few months, each of the children went missing til even Alan was missing and Gertrude was the last of the family left.

The day she entered the town was a day the townsfolk would never forget. Her appearance and demeanor drastically different from the last time she made her way into town.

Her skin, as pale and grey as a storm cloud with nearly black, sunken-in eyes and wet streaks, still fresh, upon her thined cheeks.

Calling all the townsfolk to the center of town, she confessed to what had been happening and how she was unable to go on with such a heinous act upon her conscious.

She spoke of how demons invested their home and how they buried themselves underneath their skin, their hideously shrill voices loudest in Alan who, after fighting them for so long, snapped and listened to their demand.

She talked and talked about what they said and how Alan had handled the voices, to all those who gathered, til her voice became hoarse and nearly silent.

"Something dark had awoken upon our land and will soon engulfed our town. Leave. Please. For your own safety and your future children." Gertrude practically begged in her weak voice before she fell to the ground, as cold and dead as her husband.

There once lived a small family known The Angels.

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