Holding Hands

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Mikasa spotted her brother further down the hall and quickly jogged to catch up.

"Eren!" she shouted. Said teenager stopped in his tracks and turned to her, a small smile on his face.

"Mikasa, hey," he greeted. Mikasa gave him a tiny smile.

"I was wondering if you would join me for dinner," she told him. "We haven't spent much time together lately and I miss talking to you." They both knew Eren did most of the talking, but that wasn't the point.

A small frown tugged at Eren's lips and he glanced away guiltily. "I'm sorry, Mikasa... Levi wants me to eat with him tonight." Mikasa couldn't hide the disappointment that flashed across her features just as Eren looked up. His eyes widened and he quickly grabbed her hand. "Tomorrow night! I'll eat dinner with you tomorrow!" He smiled brightly at her and Mikasa felt her own lips turning up. "Actually, you know what? Levi's giving us a free day tomorrow. Fuck dinner, I'll spend the whole damn day with you!"

Mikasa's smile grew a little wider. "I'd like that, Eren." Eren embraced her and lightly kissed her cheek. The raven-haired girl giggled and shoved him, turning him to face the direction he'd originally been going in. "Run along, now. You don't want to make the little prick angry." Her brother laughed and waved her off, jogging down the hall to Corporal Levi's office. As soon as he turned the corner, her smile dropped and she tugged her precious red scarf up to cover her mouth.

She was happy for her brother, truly. There was nothing Mikasa wanted more in the world than for Eren to find someone who brought light to his dark world. If Levi was the one person who could make her hot-headed and violent brother happy, then Mikasa would stand by and support them no matter what.

That didn't mean she had to like the little prick. She'd kick his ass if he broke Eren's heart.

Turning on her heel, Mikasa strolled back the way she came, intent on getting at least two pieces of bread before Sasha nabbed them all. As she walked, she heard low voices in a room not far from her. Curiosity getting the best of her, the raven peeked through the doorway, the open door allowing a view of the two occupants. A dark blush painted her cheeks as she saw Reiner pin Bertholdt to a wall, a knee between the taller teen's legs and hands on his hips. Bertholdt's own hands were roving over Reiner's broad chest, his face flushed as the blond kissed him passionately. An embarrassed squeak escaped the spying girl and she darted from the doorway, cheeks hot as she practically ran to the mess hall. She almost bowled over Ymir, who quickly flung an arm out to catch her.

"Whoa, Ackerman. Where's the fire?" the taller girl questioned. She steadied Mikasa as Christa peeked out from behind Ymir.

"Are you all right, Mikasa?" she asked, ever the caring one. Concern lit up her soft blue eyes and Mikasa had to restrain the urge to hug her. "You look a bit feverish."

"It's nothing," Mikasa mumbled. She ducked her head so the two girls wouldn't see her face. "Just... startled, is all."

Ymir snorted. "It must have been something if it startled you." She smirked.

"Ymir!" Christa lightly scolded, slapping the brunette's arm. Ymir laughed.

"I'm just teasing," she told the short blonde. She turned back to Mikasa, her usual cold expression softening somewhat. "Anyway, we're going for a walk. There's still some bread left if you want to grab some before Sasha goes back for thirds."

"Bye, Mikasa!" Christa chirped, waving as Ymir dragged her off. The raven waved back, turning to grab a tray, but not before catching Ymir lacing her fingers with Christa's. Mikasa was happy for the two, just as she was happy for Reiner and Bertholdt, but emptiness began to build in her. Seeing all the couples around her made her increasingly aware of her own single status and she felt lonely. Was it wrong to want someone of her own? Someone to hold her and wipe away her tears when the nightmares became too much? To kiss her lips and whisper sweet nothings when no one was around? Was it so wrong to yearn for such a thing?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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