Flower?? (chapter 1)

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I remember walking into the shop one day to help my grandmother. The shop was down the road from my family's house. It was a simple flower shop in the middle of the small town of Nalore. I bet you're wondering who I am; I'm Samantha---Sam for short. I am a dragon kin but the problem is I'm not like all the other dragons in my town. Most of my dragon kin have red or brown hair, but I have black hair the color of demon blood. Green eyes to match my pale skin. I kinda like being the only one in my village like this but I also hate it. I stand out, everyone knows who I am. I can't blend in to the crowd of the small village. Any way as I continue to walk to the shop I see my best friend Alice, once she sees me she prances over to me with her curly brown hair bouncing. " Hey what's up samyy." Alice says with a happy tone. " I'm doing fine, just going to the shop to help out." " Ok tell your grandma I said hi!" as Alice walks away with a prance in her step I turn and continue my way.

As I see the shop I quicken my pace and open the door to the small shop. The elderly lady's wrinkles stretch as she smiles at me.

" Hello grandmother."

"Why HEE HEE child," she said in a wobbly voice.

"Grandma are you okay?"

"I'm okay, I'm just a little HEE HEE!""AHEHEHEHEHE"

" grams you're sure your okay?"

" yes, yes I have been in the store room getting some pots for the new flowers."

"Alright whelp I will start watering the flowers."

I walk over to where the watering cans are, as I grab the watering can I hear the ding on the door go off. In walks in a boy whom I have never seen in town. The boy who I have never seen has really white hair and a dark purple eyes. He is real handsome, I blush at the thought. What am I thinking I don't know this guy!!! 

" Excuse me do you need any thing specific sir?"

"I am looking for a flower that means death?"

"W-well there is the chrysanthemums it means death in a place called Italy."

" Do you have the flower here?" He asks his eyes dilate as if he was a cat.

" Yeah we do how many flowers do you want?"

" Just one."

"alright that will be one gold."

As he walks away I see a faint glint of sadness shown in his eyes. As the boy walks out of the store I hear a slight shuffle from behind me.

" Who was that my granddaughter I have never seen him here before?"

I nearly jump out of my own skin in till I realize it was my own grandma.

 "Grandma you nearly scared me half to death!!!"

"ohohohoho, you probably did the same thing to that poor boy and scared him away with your drooling."


I blush and look away, Grandma has been teasing me about every boy that even looks my way. Its because I am 19 and still haven't been courted by boy yet. (o/////O) ahhh she just wont stop!! I decide I need some fresh air and walk out side tending to the flowers that are in the front of the flower shop. As i look around I see the town flourish. suddenly I hear foot steps behind me .

"Look what we have here, we got our self's something lucky!!"

I turn around swiftly and see two shady looking guys that are slowly making there way over to where I am standing. Backing up little more to get away from the creepy men.

" I am guessing your scared of us sweet cake, nothing to be scared of as long as you come with us willingly."

"Hmm no, I am not going anywhere with either of you."

"Listen here girly you come with us or we are going to have to hurt you!" one of the guy takes a bigger step closer to me.

I try to turn and run but one of them grabs my arm and drags me into the alleyway next to the shop. Struggling I try to break free out of the man's grasp. I need to get away from these guys!!! I go to scream for help but a cloth is put over my mouth. nononono I know what happens if you breath in. I try to not breath in and start seeing spots in my vision.

" She is going to sell for a big price."

That was the last thing i remember before going black...


OOOOO cliff hanger, sorry if this is bad I am just writing in my spare time!!~~~ Author-Chan!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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