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The city was even more beautiful in the night. During the day, it held the charm of ancient buildings and history, but during the night, once the sun sank behind the old, white buildings, out of view, you could feel something else. You could feel something with joy, something with awe and wonder. There was something about the way the buildings lit up. The rainbow colors projecting themselves onto anything and everything. Something about the noise of the people, shopping, coming home, or even just wandering around basking in the revelry of the evening. There truly was something about the pigeons, fearless and confident, walked around the square. They walked the same way a millionaire would walk, like they were the most important and overall best person there. The glow of the street shops, open late tonight in order to take advantage of all the people around in the city, gave it a little halo of light. The same feeling you get when you see a great feat of nature, knowing that no man could ever recreate this, except the other way around. That's the feeling. Listening to the street performer, playing Canon in G Major on his violin. You could practically see the sound resonating around him and dancing over the cobblestone streets, through shops and stores, making people stop because they just couldn't fathom that such a beautiful sound was being created by one instrument. It's a lovely feeling. When you breathe in, you can smell aromas from all around. Next to the church, there is a little alleyway with a quaint, family owned and operated pizzeria. The scent of family, the sound of raucous laughter chasing out from the little street and into the town square. However, throughout all of this, your eyes will be immediately drawn to the church. This church, with its tall, elegant, sloping arches was easily the centerpiece of the city. You can feel pride, amazement, and even gratitude rolling off of it in waves. The church was the foundation of the city, and the city knew it. The whole city revolves around this one building and in turn, this building adds to the charm and mysterious feeling of the city. The church, surrounded by music, pigeons, people, shops, cobblestone, and laughter created a feeling that was hard to place, but you could if you really focused on it. Together, this city and its inhabitants have created the best emotion, feeling, sensation, whatever you would like to call it. This city, day by day, year by year, for hundreds of years, had been stopping people in their footsteps, stealing the breath straight from their lungs, and creating this feeling. The feeling of enchantment, the feeling of magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2019 ⏰

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